

New Member
Ramon Knight said:
Sadistic1 said:
Yeh. Every religion breeds fanatics, especially those main 3 you spoke of earlier. Given time, anything can be made into a religion and given more time, it can be perverted into a machine of evil.

negative. budhism states plainly that there are many different paths for many different ppl and perceptional sets. no where in the teachings is the mention that budhism is the ONLY way to enlightenment.

taoism is another that doesn't breed fanaticism.


New Member
I am a Catholic, I'll proudly say that I do pray to God and I'll proudly say, "Fuck you asshole, don't tell me I'm wrong for my own opinion." People always say to me, "If your God is so great why doesn't he stop all the poverty, war, and disease in this fucked up world?" Answer: God gave man free will, people choose what to do and what not to do. Do I think God intervenes with those who show faith towards him? Yes I do, and I also believe He will intervene with those who don't, in hope that some day they will. Religion is all about faith, if you don't have it, then I can't explain what I believe because you will just say, "How do you know?" I'll just say, "How do you know what you believe is true? It's all about faith."

Nobody has a clue as to how the Earth came about. There are different hypotheses about it but none of them can be truly supported with facts. It's all based on opinion and so it is pointless to say a certain religion is right or wrong.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and for those who say Jesus never existed (I don't think that anyone here would, you all seem very educated with firm beliefs), he is a documented human and he existed for 30 years. It is if you believe he is the son of God or not.

Never will I say that someone is wrong for believing something else, and I will not argue with them until they say I'm wrong for what I believe in, and then it goes from being a discussion of religion to a discussion of what an opinion is.


New Member
This makes me want to post some song lyrics.

It's a great little ditty - this is part of the second verse:

"I love you girl
Take off your dress
Keep your mind on Heaven
Let Jesus do the rest"

I bet Jesus could pull more ass than a rope around a donkey's neck.


Oh yeah, lyrics courtesy of Geoff Reacher. :arrow: [ ]

Ramon Knight

New Member
psychonaut13 said:
negative. budhism states plainly that there are many different paths for many different ppl and perceptional sets. no where in the teachings is the mention that budhism is the ONLY way to enlightenment.

taoism is another that doesn't breed fanaticism.

By fanaticism i meant the following of a religion by its rules to an irrational level. It is irrational for a person to blow others up, pillage, or to stop eating, or to take *everything* in moderation. There is no good or evil (though most will generally claim what they do is good) there is obsession, though.