Story Contest



New Member
Kem, I can relate to what you meant. I've had that problem for a long time as well.

Perhaps I'll try and work on the story some more when I'm on my break at work...


New Member
The contest isn't officially started yet, so, yes, you still have time.

The plot only isn't enough, Escurial. Not to mention that it is always quite hard to talk about your own work. People often think their own work is "the best." I have no intention to show 'how good' I might be, I only want to show myself (and someone else) that I am nothing less than that other person. That is my motivation to continue writing.
Fact is that I didn't continue the last few days now because not only didn't I have the time for it, but I don't thik I could make anything new, so...

I didnt say mine was the best. I actually said that i didnt know if it was really good. but to my opinion its better then most books i read. I mean by that; books i need to read for school. Those books suck.

Kem Rixen

New Member
As for me, I wrote down my very start, and my very end. Now I just fill it in :p [/b]
Ugggh, thats my least favorite way of writing, I do everything as a spure of the moment. I sit at the computer, desk, notebook, etc. and just write the whole story out, little to no thought before starting, very few thoughts left over at the end. This whole process rarely takes longer than an hour as I have an extremly short attention span. Outlining and the like are my greatest foe, I can't stand writing like that. This if of course why my current story is failing so greatly, I can't write the whole thing in one sitting. I'm on the verge of dumping it, if I do I'll tell you where I wanted to go with it and someone else can use my idea if they feel like it.


New Member
I didnt say mine was the best. I actually said that i didnt know if it was really good. but to my opinion its better then most books i read. I mean by that; books i need to read for school. Those books suck.
I haven't been forced to read books since I came from elementery school. Because I developed a liking to write quite early, I had no real problem to talk and/or write about books. Yet when I was at elementery school, I hated reading until the last grade. I found out it was really fun to read, so I started to read as much as possible... but that was a bit late. I can't remember what book I read, but it was a nice book. Especially how it looked like. :p

As for me, I wrote down my very start, and my very end. Now I just fill it in :p
Like Kem, this is also my least favorite way of writing. One of the main reasons why I always have a hard time to think of my main character is because I don't have all influence over his personality. Though I can say what he is like during the start of the story, when I finally get into writing, I tend to focus (not intentionally) on the character development on characters. Sometimes enough to make the main character lose his 'main' character status because I find other characters more interesting halfway.
Though I can write the very end, and I am always striving towards it when I write, it is not like I have it premade.

I do everything as a spure of the moment. I sit at the computer, desk, notebook, etc. and just write the whole story out, little to no thought before starting, very few thoughts left over at the end. This whole process rarely takes longer than an hour as I have an extremly short attention span. [/b]
Just like many things, I also began writing when my brother started. Hey managed to finish a book, I didn't. He also has a completely different style of writing than me. But he did taught me: "When you have a really good idea, it is an idea that you won't forget. More than five years has passed since I wrote, but I remember I always wanted to create a <enter event and/or character here>." When he told me that, I found it hard to believe. But it is something he is very right in. The history of 'If, and only if' is something that is important to me, just like many concepts of the story I am writing now. They are loose ideas that are too good to forget. Even someone with a memory as myself, I am unable to forget about it.
I spend days, weeks, if not months to think about ideas until one is good enough. Many good ideas pop up in my head, but they are often not good enough. When I am not writing seriously, I pick the "somewhat good" ideas and place it in immediately. That's how most stories of mine appeared here on the forum and the reason why I also said they are not "all that good." 'If, and only if', is an excellent story but 'Whatever walks here, walks alone' (title of what I am writing now) is supposed to be better. In my personal opinion... it is; and it better be. I've never taken this long on such a short part of a story. But this is the best way I write.

I write a sentence and keep looking it over until I find the best it could be made. Sometimes I see the best way in a few minutes, sometimes it takes a few days. One of them managed to keep me stuck for a few weeks, despite it is still only half a page.
My brother is not my goal anymore when I compare my writing skills. I read a story of a similar writer as myself. Both the style was similar to the one of my own, but also the way he started to write is similar to my the one of myself. But as I mentioned before, there is a giant gap in difference of skill. I want to show myself that I am no less than him.

But right now, I still haven't continued yet. Mostly because I'm short of time. When it goes like this, I guess I'll have to go to 'Plan B'. =)


New Member
When I said I wrote the VERY end, I meant the VERY end. Like the last paragraph.
Basically that is stating (again) the theme of the story.
I have yet to write down anything that is about the real story.
However, the way I write, is I take an idea, I write a few notes, and I keep thinking about it in my head. I've had this one in my head for over a month, and I know basically what will go on. The little details come at the spur of the moment.


New Member
I usualy dont have 1 main character that fills the whole story.
I change perspective almost every paragraph, i hate it when i read a story from one view. Thats why school books mostly suck.

And i dont do what undead does but i do have to admit that i already came up with the end of the story. i just didnt write it down.


New Member
In the chaos after the "Big Bang" all manner of matter and energy flew rampant. Among the energies that transcend our known dimensions is that of spirit. It to was scattered in the disarray. A small collection of this substance was franticly attempting to cling to something lest it be lost in the void.
With no reference to measure time it may have been years before the energy found substance, found matter, found the gem. This crystalline stone has properties beyond comprehension. The crystal absorbs electromagnetism and expels Psi, the essence of spirit. Thus the Krisalmun was born.
The spirit gifted with a perfect memory found it could create a psi vacuum that would cause the crystal to absorb more energy. And by the same token could force himself through to manifest in light heat or any other wave length. But rather than expel energy the Krisalmun preferred to consume it.
It was at this point that the krisalmun witnessed a miracle. It saw two asroides collide. This sparked a primitive fascination with opposing forces. The Krisalmun wanted to know more, know all. It began to cause or participate in these collisions by expelling quick bursts of heat. Learning to do this well gave him the ability to move.
Over the millennia he would learn many such gifts. Including the most powerful form of stored energy, the atom. The Krisalmun learned to split atoms and absorb the resulting explosion. and with this power He could rebuild the atom. The master of matter takes form. He builds him self a body, networked with crystal fibers to help distribute his energy.
The Krisalmun eventually found a planet and wished to learn from it. So as this rugged planet developed so did he. And even as life formed around him, he observed how cell battled cell. Life had conflicts as well. This kind of struggle would occupy the rest of his known existence. Observing battles, fighting them becoming an oracle to those needing guidance. His body appears only as he wills. And he wills his story to be known.

Krisalmun on right


New Member
I don't think a single part of my body isn't aching, therefore I'll only answer to one thing at the moment.

It's quite... short what you have there, Vess. I haven't read it yet, but... well... it's quite short. You might want to spend some more time on it.

Kem Rixen

New Member
Well, I took a shot at another type of story, I was hoping if I went back to my roots I'd be able to write something good. My roots being stories about ants, I wrote five stories about ants before starting on on other things. I struggled through my first paragraph, I couldn't get it to work well at all, it was a horrible disaster. The tension was all ruined and it was using the exact same formula that I had used in another story that had a remarkably similar plot, also about ants. So this puts me at a horribly awkward point, it means I'm most likely going to have to abandon a second story, something I've never done before, I've never even abandonded a story before. I'll keep writing but unless I get somewhere soon, this is going to be a problem for a bit...