Super Smash Bros. Brawl - WiiPros Official Thread

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New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
Nice update today! :D great that u can send recorded videos to friends :) I hope they reveal a new character soon, it's about time :)

YER! Bring on Lloyd!!!!!! lol. I was crap at target mode on mele, so i probably will be here as well.


New Member
Nice...I like this update Finally the world will see my records.....

I found this a while ago...about SSBB delay reading this makes more sense why they I'm not mad at them:)
Theherolink_1 said:
Nice...I like this update Finally the world will see my records.....

I found this a while ago...about SSBB delay reading this makes more sense why they I'm not mad at them:)
ah , smart move by nintendo, then they maybe gonna earn even more money on it


New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
Theherolink_1 said:
Nice...I like this update Finally the world will see my records.....

I found this a while ago...about SSBB delay reading this makes more sense why they I'm not mad at them:)
ah , smart move by nintendo, then they maybe gonna earn even more money on it

Yep! they will win so much money....:drool::drool::drool:


New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
one other good thing is that I get enough time to save money to buy it on the release:)

Well now thinking if they didn't do that move they wouldn't have games or money(what nintendo likes)By the 2008
Theherolink_1 said:
Rasande Bävern said:
one other good thing is that I get enough time to save money to buy it on the release:)

Well now thinking if they didn't do that move they wouldn't have games or money(what nintendo likes)By the 2008

exactually! now they won´t have a thin gameline the first Quarter of the year::thumbup:


New Member
oh i didnt even see target test yesterday lol SWEET! im so glad nintendo decided to do that again, its a trademark of ssb games
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