1. i'm assuming all regs, including house clanners (i.e. myself), have no idea who would be in the wrong, since i'm pretty sure discussions about all this happened on restricted forums or in aim or on vent or phone. yes we regs took this as a surprise, and maybe even some punx/lo3 clanners unfortunately (i.e. slick, digi, etc), but hey for all we regs know, it was talked about to some degree behind closed doors for quite some time. thus no finger pointing from me, nor do i really care who might be in the wrong.
2. this is about gaming, with regulars, i could care less what clan or non-clan these regs are in. i remember the names and i like playing with most regs, and posting in forums with regs. again, i say most because everyone has some people they don't like as much or don't get along well with, but that's life and you just avoid them as much as possible. so what does this mean? i could care less what server we use. i could care less what forum we use. i just want my favorite regs to decide to play on the same server, and use the same forums. i dont want to be playing in two different servers or using 2 different forums.
3. you guys can flame me for this, but i want to speak my mind. i would like to defend worm and dg, and whoever else needs thanking for saving our community by setting up at their own cost the server which is now aiw. they had to step in because omni felt the need to drop the server. how can we trust that omni won't do it again on this new ressurrected punx server? i will give omni this credit though, he kept up the forums and i appreciate that. maybe he'll discontinue these forums or disallow certain people from posting in here. that would be pretty low, but its his prerogative, just like its worm's to decide things about the aiw server and forums *shrug*
4. i don't see why the punx founding triumvirate are pissed off about punx members changing tags to aiw. punx is just a name. big deal. what we regs all treasure is the server experience and the forums experience, it doesn't have to be called punx to be special.
i dont get why they're so upset, especially when they all left punx long ago to make 0ne87 and icky and when omni shut off the punx server? i could understand their indignation if they were all punx still and worm and dg publically split from omni's punx server, and tried to take regs away to a new server and new forums. that has not happened here. worm and dg saved the community by making a punx/lo3 server when omni shut his punx server off. worm's punx/lo3 server has now changed its name to aiw. big deal. what's wrong with having all the same players on this aiw server, and still use these omni forums,? no one loses, other than maybe dirty and omni if they really care that much about the punx name.
its just a name: punx. if you had the same community in any forum and the same regs on any server you could call it ASS clan for all i care. i'd be happy.