I admit i did some camping but that only brought me problems... i died in everi time without kill someone.
Now I am a SSG. i don do it anymore, you know. (As field officer i have to guide my men in battle).
so if i see a ******* camper i just kick his royal butt.
I believe I've said this before, in one of your threads actually..
Having a high rank doesn't automatically mean you're good, nor does the amount of experience or K/D.
Skill isn't based on the rank/level/etc of someone, it's based on them.
Also, just because your a certain rank, doesn't mean you automatically just rush.
You rush/camp based on the majority of the opposing team's choice of combat.
If they rush, you may too, but you'd be better off finding a hiding spot behind them, and picking them off.
If they camp, you'd be better off camping too, as to they would expect you to rush, or you may rush their spawn killing them whilst them being unaware of your position.
Anywho, there are hundreds of thousands of millions (etc, seeing as I don't feel like going higher) possibilities of how you can choose to enter combat.
Rank has nothing to do with it.
Camping is a tactic, not a "noob way out."
APM (Anti-personnel mines) are so handy just outta the enemies spawn, though only those smart ppl who run straight away with the 3 sec invulnerability will survive, and there's not many smart ppl who do.
Quick solution would be to shoot it from a distance, and problem solved.
You may or may not injure the person, seeing as they usually camp near their mind to pick them off if for some reason it didn't kill them.