True Identity


New Member
i fainted when i was in the metal work felt so good when i fainted...
people were staring at me...cuz i ran out side and collapsed against a metal pole..but this was ages when i was in Year 7..i think thats age 12 or 13...
its weird..wehn i was year 7 people didnt look so that i look at year 7's now they are like tasty shrimps.


New Member
I have asthma. Well, I don't get tired fast when playing e.g. soccer, but when we I have to run fast, I get tired extremely fast.
I can relate to that as well. I used to have asthma as well... but I grew over it.
I'm not sure how it is called in English, but a complete translation of the Dutch, I have: 'Flat feet.'


New Member
I'm not sure. I've been born with it, and I know practically nothing about it. I only know the result is that you'll get tired ten times as fast than normally, even when you're in great shape.


New Member
It is, in many ways. There are 'very' special shoes for it, that can fix it, but what I meant with 'very special', is that it also changes the outside looks. Something I am not willing to do.

Another option is changing it to different 'soles', something I did. Those things are very expensive though, especially because they have to be replaced with a maximum of two years. Last time I replaced them was only weeks ago, but before that, I used the same soles for four, or five years. You can easily see (and I can feel it :p) a difference now. I'd continue to wear them if they didn't start hurting my feet - feet grow :p - instead. But because of those soles, you can't really wear all kind of shoes, something I don't really mind all that. I've worn these things just about my entire life.

For some people, both options could 'fix' the problem. For other people, only those 'special shoes' help. I'm one of those people, but I don't really mind the problem that much. I'm not used to anything else after all.

Well, all in all, there are a few other options. But I don't think I have to go into details of that. Think of surgery as an example.


New Member
Hm... First im not quite sure what "soles" are, second, cause my feet are really large, (not flat though) i cant wear most of the shoes i see in the shops. Simply not big enough size.


New Member

Heh, and the people complain about the size of my feet :p (I used to be a very short guy for a very long time... my feet grew more than the rest of my body :p)


New Member
You mean soles? Or the special soles I meant?

I am quite confident in saying that every nation has 'soles' :p (if not, then I doubt they have shoes)


New Member
Soles are part of the things I wear. What I decide to wear has to do with my personality. My personality is related to my 'True Identity'. The 'True identity' is the subject of the thread.
We're still on-topic. :p

Pictures? Oh yeah...


New Member and
well show yourself flad...dont give a lame excuse cuz im waitin i gtg sleep soon, its like 5.33am