True Identity



New Member
Hey, I googled :p

I wished I was though. My hearing skills are a little above average, but my eyes are unfortunately a little below average. As I recall, owls have a great sight. So, yeah, if I could get a combination ;)


New Member
And i ever wish to look like the guy on my avatar. No mind that people would run away on first sight of me, but it would be fun. (the guy is 3 times taller than a normal man, to your information :p)


New Member
It's a bit blurry :p

Well, you could always wish to be something, or someone. I'd give an arm for looking like someone I know, but that is impossible with my finances - and people would declare me crazy, since that guy isn't even handsome :p.


New Member
I'm Roman
17 years old
love nature,martial artists,terraining and music.
i'm from Slovakia
I want to be a forester :D
haha this is me :)