True Identity


New Member
Two of my friends have tatoes. One of them has it on his shoulder, (dragon) the other one has one on her waist (butterfly) and one on her shoulder (can't remember what it was). Though I have to admit I like them, (both the friends, as the tatoes :p) I personally would never take one. Not only would it not 'fit' me, I don't have any real reason to take. I can't see myself walking around with a tatoe, to be honest.


New Member
Errr... my mistake. I wasn't completely sure how to write it :p

Appealing? I guess not... everyone their own taste. It's not like I don't want to see them, or prefer them. But I wouldn't take one myself.


New Member
Yes and no. "A permanent mark or design made on the skin by a process of pricking and ingraining an indelible pigment or by raising scars. " Yet an accidental scar is not similar to a tattoo. I can't really imagine that I have to name my scar a tattoo.


New Member
lol even if booze is an addiction ill still go for it!, lol wc is a bit of an addiction, it slowly makes you more lazy everyday, so wc is a bad addiction xD


New Member
Addictions and tattoos are part of the person's true identity, hm? Though I do agree that we're somewhat off-topic in the thread, the two examples you gave are on-topic. :p