I think that counts for us all. I mean 'being able to sing' part, not necessarily "being bad at singing" I can use a typical high voice, which could be well used for singing, but I never sing in public.
Look at two sides of the story, Raiju. Taking pain killers for no particular reason is, in my opinion too, something you just shouldn't do. When you are tearing yourself up because of the pain, pain killers are useful.
Of course, when youre in the hospital, almost dying, feeling an unbearable pain and in the brink of a emocionalk rupture there is no problem on using painkillers
But if you dont fill those "synthoms", dont take it, otherwise imo, youre crazy
I dont really remember when i had a painkiller. Maybe at the dentist, 2 years ago?(yes my teeth are fine enouh so i dont need to go to the dentist for now)
Really i dont remember...
The only painkiller i use right now is the game called Painkiller.
Well, aspires (sp) are also painkillers... I use one from time to time, not lately though. The only "illness" I've had this, and last year was either a cold, or depression.
Yes, well, some people can, and others can't use them. I have little to add to that. ^^
For a cold it is quite unreasonable for using a pain killer for that. Though I would not be surprised when my mother would use aspirines for it. But then again, she's in a completely different situation than all of us here. *sigh*
For a cold it is quite unreasonable for using a pain killer for that. Though I would not be surprised when my mother would use aspirines for it. But then again, she's in a completely different situation than all of us here. *sigh*
Raiju, I like to think that I only use painkillers when absolutely necessary. For instance, when I need to get to sleep and I can't because my jaw feels like it's being ripped apart, I'll use them.
But using them for a "pain in my shoulder" is just plain stupid. I think the kind of pain that you should use pain killers is like migrain (sp?) pain (not headache, migrain) at the least.
Also depends on your situation.
In three months of time, I took several aspirines when I still worked a toy store. I was not used to working for eight hours back then, and always slowed down because of a splitting headache during the last hour/half hour.
During the most painful moment of my RSI, I never used a pain killer.
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