Let's see... where is that paper with the information about it... ah, here it is.
I'll be translating them under two heavy situations.
1. I'm tired.
2. I'm listening to a very chaotic night show of the radio.
Usually: Stomache aches, headaches, dizzyness, sleeplessness, absorbing too much water and a constant beeping sound.
Sometimes: Depressions, (temporarily) problems with sight, possible losing contact of reality.
Possible: Strange colors of the urine. Kidnee (sp) problems. Being over sensitive, rash, itch, stomach aches, sore muscles, headaches, throwing up and swollen body parts such as the throat, lips or face.
When used too often: Sore throat, fever without any reason to, small swollen parts in the mouth. Unexpected bloodnose, hard to stop the bleeding of small wounds or sudden bruises.
When you are feeling quite bad after being told how beautiful a "needle" (or injection) could be - something I am terrified of, especially when they are supposed to be joted in my mouth

- and you'll get a paper with that writen on it. It just... doesn't really make your day.