I don't think I've got any pictures of myself on the computer, but I did draw this picture that my brother says looks like me when I'm in a cranky mood. Just imagine it with shorter, dark brown hair, blue eyes, and skin that actually has some color in it. This picture is actually one of the characters in my book.
So anyway, i'm 16, I play the guitar, work on my book, write poems, mess around with WC3 modeling, I like to flirt with girls (but I suck at it), i've been dissed at least 4 times by girls I liked, until I moved to Arizona, at which point all of the girls were swarming around me... It was a traumatizing experience
So yeah, my name's Matt, my friend's call me Corvus (don't ask why), I used to be a country hick (not really), now I live in the city, and so far, I don't like it that much, i'm of Irish descent, and one day, i plan on going to live in Ireland so that I can get the accent to rub off on me. :yay:
If I ever get a picture of myself on the computer, I'll show it to 'yall