True Identity


New Member
My hair now? No, I still need to get a hair cut.

In the picture, all seven of us had a hair cut recently. Recently as in within the last three weeks. Except for two of them come to think of it, but I don't think it is really noticable if they went to have a hair cut or not.
In my case, such things are very easy to notice.


New Member
My guesses:

1st: the guy in the center

2nd: the guy on the right of the guy in the center

3rd: the guy on the left of the "nigga" :p

4th: think its the least probable, the guy behind the one in the center

About others: one is a bit off as you said, and one is too tall to what you said about yourself. And one is black so everything is clear about why i think he wouldnt be Flad. :p


New Member
*scratches the back of his head*
Well, you could also say. "I bet you're someone in that picture", though it wouldn't be as accurate. :p Of all I said on the forum, it's possible to recognize me from that picture.

Why doesn't anyone think I'm someone on the left side? :p


New Member
I typed my guesses in the way from the most probable(for me) to the least probable. And: only one from the left side could be a guess, cause one i think is too tall and second one is black so...
And also: at first sight i think that i am a bit taller from the tallest one in the picture, and 1/4 wider in arms. :p


New Member
Other left. Right in the picture. :p At the side to the guy who looks quite off. The opposite side of the guy dressed in yellow.

I'm not sure how tall you are, but the tallest guy in the picture is (in cm) 1.99. Or so he said, if I had to guess, I'd guess him to be taller than that.

Who said that I'm not black? :p (That I'm not tall is true)


New Member
Well then, i was 1.98 last time i checked, so i might be a bit smaller than him, but still im wider in arms.
Though i might as well put my picture somewhere here someday.


New Member
That isn't too surprising of what you said. That tall guy I was referring to isn't really wide in his arms. He looks a bit... fragile, mostly because he is so tall.


New Member
I'm none of those. :p I'm short and got quite a weak body-structure.

On a side note. Some people in the picture look taller/shorter than they are. One of them is standing on something as example, and if I'm not mistaking, a few people are being pushed down.


New Member
[/b] it! There are two people wearing a black jacket on the photo, but it's just a normal sweater for the guy in the middle. His usual jacket is green. :p
Hey, they're the people I used to hang out with daily. I ought to know something about them. ^^


New Member
Nicnames: olofmoleman, Trilobite, Lord Trilobite, Jaws
Real name: Olof Moleman
From: Holland
Gender: Male
I'm too lazy to take and post a pic, so check my site, I've got a pic there, but I warn you, it's REALLY old, it was from 2003, now I'm almost 19 and I have WAY longer hair (about 55 cm, yes I know that's long)


New Member
Yeah. My grandma heard alot of girls that was studying in the same school as my brother were saying: "He has so beatiful hair...". I use to have short hair for a contrast.

Btw: i might put a picture of myself from the class picture. But ill have to think of it more, as i look a bit dumb on it. :p