Speak english please, and stop talking like a **beep** dictionary. [/b]
Everyone has their own style of talking. Respect that, or I'll use some
other words as well. I need to get used to them anyway...
Wtf is an abberation? [/b]
If you're so curious, search it up in the dictionary. Not too much trouble to do so.
And the fact uve got a gay couple as mates is disgusting. [/b]
Why is it disgusting? That people may be gay is just normal as well. It's not like they can help it (mostly) or anything.
How do you know 1 of them doesn't w*nk over you at night?! [/b]
Because it are friends? People you trust? People you've hanged out with, for who knows how long? And even if they did, you could feel honoured as well
I would never be mates with a gay guy, not only because I think what they do is disgusting, but I wouldn't want one trying to take a bite out of me.[/b]
Why wouldn't you be friends with one? As far as you may know, one of your friends might have been "gay" for his entire life, but never told anyone. If he'd say he was "gay" suddenly, would you say that you never liked him from the start? Yeah, you look like the guy who would say something like that.
Just; please, shut the *beep* up talking with all these posh effing words. Got that?
I suggest that you stop about talking all the stuff you are talking about. It's not hard to keep up with you, and by reading most/all of your posts, I just about understand how you think. That's what I'm supposed to learn nowadays anyway

But then again, it's not too hard to read you either.
But what is so bad about "gay" people according to you? Are they not humans, according to you? Is it so bad that they like their own sex? There is nothing too special about it, is there? I know a guy - we were classmates about five years ago - who was "gay" as well, but there was no one who reacted awkward to him. As a matter of fact, he was considered very normal, even when he publicly said it to us. Perhaps it was because everyone already got to the point that he was gay, maybe it was because the way he said it or it could have been the fact that we had a very 'understanding class.' Without any doubt, the class I've been in five years ago, was the best class I've ever been part of, and it was easily visible from every possible view. But back to the subject, what is so bad about it?
"Gay" jokes may be funny from time to time as well - I do them all the time - and some may even mistake the person for being "gay", but how can you be so sure? Until they give a confirmation? Until you see a confirmation? There are many possible options. But before you find out his homosexuality, can't you be friends with him or her? I mean, that person is just like a normal person as well, right? It is not their fault at all, for being like that. As a matter of fact, there are people who find out they're "gay" at a very late stadium of life, even after they have been married to a woman or perhaps already have children. Actually, it's quite common as well that people find it out later. In a way, I wouldn't be too surprised if you might give it some thought as well.
You know what, I just might be tempted enough to create a thread about it in the off-topic section