i dont think homossexuality is something natural, simply because it subverts the natural order of things, male and female are meant to have sex with each other, not malexmale and femxfem. [/b]
Perhaps not. But people cannot stop the feeling of what they are attracted to. Just like (most) guys fall for girls, right? (Bit unnecessary) Let it me put it differently. An amount of guys like big breast, others don't. Some like blondes, others like red heads and... I could go on from that list - especially since painting hair is very popular nowadays

. In other words, people cannot hide their feelings when it comes to that. Therefore, I
do think it is a natural feeling.
because i will not make friendship with a gay person.[/b]
Why not? If they have their mind set on something like that, it doesn't make them a necessarily different - if worse - person.
Xenofobia - Fear/hate of foreign people[/b]
Honestly, I though that Xenofobia was something else. Anyway, unfortunately, I know someone with it.
Pleofobia - Fear/hate of poor people (money)[/b]
Ah. Do you write it like that

By pure coincidence, I heard it last friday on the radio while the DJ was joking about it. But most fobia's can be pronounced easily, but it's a lot harder to write it when you don't got a clue how to write it - and hear more than six after each other
And I don't intend on making any friends that are gay..
I won't be backing away if it was an option. Though it would not be a priority or something I am actually waiting for, but I wouldn't mind. It has its advantages. On a side note, I'm very straight
@ silly guy who said They'd like to see my own photo:
I already posted it here, maybe if you actually read the thread fully and then posted, your post wouldn't be such useless spam.[/b]
Look who's talking. On a side note, that was
My word is not law, I'm just discussing my opinions like everyone else is.[/b]
It certainly doesn't look like an "opinion." The way you mention it, it sounds more as if everyone should agree with it... or perhaps it sounds more like a fact than an opinion.
Since then, he's held a grudge, and I hate the stupid Brit-hater , anyway.
...and I hate people who have a huge nationalism. Why else would I have a grudge against the Frnech