

New Member
Haha, I got no card ;] I even didn't have to tell one girl i like her very much, her sister (my classmate) told her instead... That's gay :p But maybe it won't end up that scary how it pretended to? :yay:


New Member
Dragons? No no no, not at all... I think it's from "drag", Romanian adjective. Someone "drag" to you is someone you care for. ;)



New Member
are they spoofs? cuz.. i dont trust it.. im scared it will hurt me..
No, they are from a very good (girl)friend. She forced me to call her my "girlfriend" to guys, but you aren't a guy, so... :p
I haven't seen the card personally yet, though. To be honest, I'm afraid to check my mailbox/inbox. =)

Come to think of it... three of my classmates (Turkish, all three of them) did have some kind of flower. I never got a clear look at the flower, so I'm not sure it's a rose.