


New Member
i think i was sleeping that day..
it doesnt means much to me, but i liked the little cinnamon heart candies they sell for this event.
i think holidays should be banned, beceause those candies costed way too much and you cant really find them at another time of the year
beceause lions hangs in packs, i suppose it is good if humans hangs in packs ( of two ) :D


New Member
what makes you atracted to the person is generally the beauty and charm, which generates desire. that with time turns into passion, and that after flourishes into the mythic love[/b]

again that is the answer to your thoughts Nicro, the dictionary point ofview is too much lame and straight

Passion is just a verb (especially Latino lovers :p use) to charm it all actually.[/b]

In spanish pasión is NOT a verb punk, and what exactly you mean with Latino lovers áya?!

if your alone. your safe[/b]

if you are alone you are defenseless, stop talking like an emo piece of sh!t samantha, youre not like that (plz dont be like that...)

I'm not saying that I ever won in either lottery or love (never had a girlfriend... ) but I don't feel good alone, while everyone around me speaks about their girlfriend/boyfriend and how happy they are.[/b]

Geez if i were your real life buddy i would rescue you, but if i tried to help you by keyboard words it would sound lame. Just a tip, dont let shyness dominate


New Member
By the way: its mexican, thelex.

Also: I never thought to have a girlfriend yet, and Raiju sounds a bit stirred up in his last post. And i agree with De... Daelin, ( :infernal: ) you wont know until you try.


New Member
EDIT: Yet again the quotes don't work!!! I'm gonna color the quoted parts.

Did you bring up my favorite subject on purpose?

and that's why I haven't asked her yet. because im afraid of rejection.
Being afraid of rejection is something that is understandable, and I experienced the feeling for years, and I probably have some years coming as well, because I'm pretty sure the road I am heading to is a dead-end. But someone once told me: "What do you got to lose?" and it is something I kept closely in mind. Back then, five and three years ago, I cared a lot about my reputation and pride. Both played a large role in those situations. Five years ago, I was insanely popular at school, and there were only a few who didn't know me. Believe me, being as shy as I was back then, it is everything but funny. I didn't dare to confess because I was afraid of rejection and it won't hurt my reputation, but also my pride. I already felt very insecure during those times.
Three years ago, I messed it up as well, though in a different kind of way, but one I regret more. Me being popular lasted two years, after that, it became less until nobody really recognized me anymore. Once in a while someone asked me to bend my fingers again, but that's about it... unfortunately, I'm addicted to it now. But that's a different subject. Three years ago, my pride was important to me, and what finally messed me up. Nowadays, I don't care about my reputation in general anymore and I'm quite outgoing nowadays, in opposite of back then. I also don't really mind my pride anymore. It's something very trivial to me now and something I can finally throw off of myself now.
There is nothing to be afraid of... just see it as a new experience. Let's see... how did that quote go? "Every experience is a life experience."

also wulf, you are entirely wrong, love all depends on experiences and a bunch of events you have had or are having.
Agreed. I don't believe it is possible to "love" someone without spending a certain amount of time with that person. Though I will definitely be proved wrong by a certain kind of religion - which I discussed only recently during class but can't remember the name of it, sorry - but that's understandable in this case. Of course, I am very willing to discuss about that subject alone, but I have to continue on.

To get to the bodem line, Love is a good word not a bad one, the urge that makes you feel you should have one is natural, and is not a bad thing either.
Agreed again. Though I am familiar (family) with someone who also found its "bad things" about it as well, which probably was one of the factors that kept my shy. But that's only a minor detail nowadays. But I fully agree with "love is a good word, not a bad one" and the feeling "you should have one" is also indeed, "natural". Often - especially the first time, or at least, for me - it surprised those who haven't experienced it fully just yet. But I believe Warn. has already mentioned the necessary details.

Also being alone only locks you up, computers and Internet are one of the few pass ways to remove this feeling of being alone,
Fully agreed. As a matter of fact, it has a name, a name people won't like actually. Because most, - here as well - are actually "running away from reality", though you are free to deny it. But lying to others and lying to yourself has its effects. Oh, as for me, yes, I am familiar with it. As a matter of fact, I went a step further than just "running away from reality". I made 'Fladian' a real person, and tried to forget 'Ed', both people who are only one person. That was ahh... two or three years ago, I think. But whether you like it or not, it is a fact that it counts for the most people that using computers and especially internet - using a forum is a good example - usually can be described as an escape from reality. Little people would honestly admit it as well, after all, if you could easily admit it, why trying to avoid it then?

As an addition to the "being alone only locks you up", I have something else to say. It also slows down the development of the human mind... most of the time. I won't even possibly deny that a friend of mine - who is a year younger than me - slowed his mind-development down because of anything like that, because I am afraid of all his knowledge. I expained this before...
Also, "to make them remove this feeling" is perhaps not as accurate as it could be. People try to forget about that feeling, which works... temporarily, for most. It's been a while since something very bad happened to me, and I believe that I made a change which could have made me a different person, but I used to, or still am, laughing away sorrows. Ignoring it, going quickly to something bigger and just laugh it off at the end. It works, alright. But not the way it is supposed to work. It'll all come back after some time... and taking care of one at the time is hard enough, it's crushing to get them all together.

nobody wants to be alone in the end, its makes you feel brave saying it, cause you think you can handle all things in life single handed, which you cannot.
True, though I can already see many people from here denying that. Well, not necessarily denying it, but disagreeing that's for sure. After all, during younger ages, most people are confident that they can handle just about any situation on his own.
I remember my own childhood good enough, but unfortunately, my childhood is not a good example. I'm a guy, like most know, so I'm using an average boy as an example. How often do you see a friendship relation between a boy and a girl? Rarely. During a young age, you could say boys and girls are different races. My own childhood is a bad example... my best friend was a girl.

In the end, you'll eventually learn that it is impossible to handle every situation on your own. There is nothing more I can add to that.

Yeah,thats the truth, i think that searching for love is futile, have pleasure, have fun, with passion.
Perhaps old fashioned - but I am :p - but I still believe in "love"... and I'm just about willing to give everything up for it. To compare it with "pleasure, fun and passion" alone is not enough..

The order is oposite Nicro, you see, maybe i didnt find the righ tenglish word for it, but love comes from passion because THERE IS NO SUCH THING HAS "Love at first sight", what exists is "Passion at first sight"
The first time I read this sentence - which was this morning, three minutes late before I had to catch my train, so I hurried - I read: "...find the right Tenglish word for it." It took me a while until I it hits me that it was a lil' mistake :p

"Love at first sight" is false. Though like I said earlier in this post, there is a relgion which will disagree with it. I'm not of that religion, on a side note... as for that matter, I don't believe in anything but myself. :p
Love at first sight is often produced out of lust, though not always, remember that. Lust, love and "passion" as you say are very different things of each other, often mixed up. Can I actually say the difference between them? No, but I can feel them. If what I experienced five years ago was lust or love, I don't know. It's too long ago for me to remember it carefully. But not a single day passes without me thinking of that girl... but I guess that's because I use a computer password named after her :p Hey, I like the name. My real name isn't Ed either, but I still use it :p

tell me, how could you love someone that you dont know yet?
I don't know. I honestly don't know. That's why I don't understand how someone can be engaged with someone, without meeting that person first.

what makes you atracted to the person is generally the beauty and charm, which generates desire.
Not always. This is something I'll come back on later on.

So clearly passion is involved in love so the dictionary says.
A part, yes, but you could give it different definations.

Although what a dictionary might say does not have to be in so in life standards, but Passion is a word more phrased to indicate sexual feelings or intense urge to come physically in touch with one another.
Yeah, that's what I meant.

HA! Watch me. I prefer working alone. I get out enough, stimulates my "social need" (as I call it) and then I am left all alone. :p
I envy that. I can't... not anymore. I can't stand being alone anymore either, but that's a different subject.
A different kind of alone, Undead.

if your alone. your safe.
Agreed, but also disagreed. You are safe from everything that comes, but you'll experience nothing. When you don't leave your house and just stay in your bed for all day long, it unlikely you'll get injured - uhhum... - but if you've done it like that all your life, you don't know what is to be injured. You don't know how it would feel and what could be done about it. To use injuries as example. Though there is a saying that says something like: "What you don't know, it can't harm you" (or something like that) it is true in every way. But at the cost of experiencing nothing is a price that is too high to pay... for everyone.

Wulfy, it's not that "if you're alone, you're safe". It's just like trying at the lottery. If you don't try, you can't win. Of course, many times you will lose, but you can also win.
Good explanation, good example.

I'm not saying that I ever won in either lottery
I did!!! :D I won about 2 euro.

or love (never had a girlfriend... :() but I don't feel good alone, while everyone around me speaks about their girlfriend/boyfriend and how happy they are.
It is something I miss as well when that subject comes to mind. Though I guess it helps a lot that I am often among girls that I know how everything goes. *sigh* Now if I only had some spare guts :p (*I promised never to approach girls that already have a healthy relationship*)

thats because they r insecure and use them as showcases and ragdolls.
Not everyone is. One of my best friends has a relationship for uhhh... two - four years by now. I'm not completely sure, because I don't know when they started seeing each other exactly. What you say is common though, but this does not count for everyone.
If I had a healthy relationship at the moment, I probably couldn't stop talking about her, but that's just how my personality is. To use three girls as example I fell for. One of them was a tomboy and I doubt I would be the most spontanious of the two, another is, or was, (haven't seen her in two years) extremely shy, so I probably would have the 'word', often. The third, and last one I while mention is spontanious, but not very outgoing. A great asset to my own personality. Note: now you tell me. What's my type? :p
But I already promised, when I find the person I care for the most, I am willing to give up anything.

i think holidays should be banned, beceause those candies costed way too much and you cant really find them at another time of the year
Agreed! Fully agreed :p
I couldn't agree more as a matter of fact! Not only do they cost way too much, it is the only time you can buy them.
...though I still like Christmas time...

again that is the answer to your thoughts Nicro, the dictionary point ofview is too much lame and straight
Perhaps so, but a fitting explanation that could have been given in this case, so it'll do just fine. Though like I said, I am willing to discuss about it.
I recently was "attracted" to a girl at first sight. Well, not first sight actually, I remember her face from somewhere else, but don't got a clue from where. But the point just is, I didn't hear her talk because I never saw her among friends nor was it her beauty, because I know a lot of girls that I like a lot more when it comes to looks. Unfortunately, I am unable to step up to someone to talk without a reason, especially when I want to make a good first impression. So, I haven't talked to her. Whatever the sight of her does to me, I am not sure, but I don't believe in love at first sight and especially without knowing her at all.

In spanish pasión is NOT a verb punk, and what exactly you mean with Latino lovers áya?!
Perhaps so, but this is English, Raiju. There are terms that are used here as well, which would not make sense in English as well, but they are not possible to use. So try to use the most common language here differently, or more properly then.

if you are alone you are defenseless, stop talking like an emo piece of sh!t samantha, youre not like that (plz dont be like that...)
That too, but it also shelters you from any problems, so being safe, it is true.

Geez if i were your real life buddy i would rescue you, but if i tried to help you by keyboard words it would sound lame.
There is not much to say in Daelin's matter, Raiju. You don't know any details about it, so it is not known if you are necessarily have to "rescue" him. That I 'theoreticly' have a girlfriend is one thing, but I, too never had a relationship, despite becoming more outgoing. But even though I never had a (proper) relationship, there would no way, or at least, not necessarily way to "rescue me", as you say.

Just a tip, dont let shyness dominate
Agreed, though it is easier said than done. I can tell, I have been as shy as h-e-l-l for more than seventeen years. The scar on my wrist, the motivation of DJ's and my desires changed me, though all three of them are something that is a rare motivation to find. The scar on my wrist was an accident, the DJ is my idol and someone I can listen to daily (okay, six days a week) and the desires in my heart is something different for every single human. But saying "don't let shyness dominate" is a good thing.
Fladian you remind me of a weatherman your 'post emotions' change so fast. Maybe you should put quotes in a certain order....
See look im gonna do it now^^
I'm also not aksing the girl because I'm afraid of rumors and I don't like it when people talk about me.


New Member
Fladian you remind me of a weatherman your 'post emotions' change so fast. Maybe you should put quotes in a certain order....[/b]
Actually, I did put them in a "certain order". Though it is a fact that I didn't read the posts before I started to reply to them, therefore me agreeing and disagreeing multiple times.

It isn't just my "post emotions", as you call it. Unfortunately, I have a very incosistent personality, which is not much of a secret. A while ago, it has been getting less and less, and it is getting quite cosistent nowadays. But because of my home situation, I have little control over how I act online. Though if it was only referring to this post I made here, then I don't really see what is wrong in it. This is one of my (few) favorite subjects, and if you'll get me started properly here, there is no easy way to stop me.
Unfortunately, I promised myself - for a reason - that I wouldn't do a few 'certain' stuff. I've been trying to keep myself to my promises for the last two years...

I'm also not aksing the girl because I'm afraid of rumors and I don't like it when people talk about me.
I recently saw a nice saying about it, I decided to save it somewhere. "At least you're worth talking about." I'm not sure where I saw it, but it sounds logical.


New Member
Not necessarily. Even though a story changes more and more when people pass it around, the same counts for rumors. Where it may start with: "Bob has a mustache", it may end after a few days with: "Bob shaved his head, except his mustache".

Often, a part of it is true. A rumor is always based on something.

It is very unfortunate I used to know someone who was terrified about rumors about her. I still feel sorry for her after all these years...


New Member
how would you know raiju? youre mecican.[/b]

meXican. and altough mexico is in north america the Latino America runs from argentina to mexico punk :infernal:

Back then, five and three years ago, I cared a lot about my reputation and pride. Both played a large role in those situations. Five years ago, I was insanely popular at school, and there were only a few who didn't know me. Believe me, being as shy as I was back then, it is everything but funny. I didn't dare to confess because I was afraid of rejection and it won't hurt my reputation, but also my pride. I already felt very insecure during those times.[/b]

You mean you lied to your friends that you have a girlfriend but you dont? thats rough mate...

the 3 quotes Fladian quoted from Nicro's post[/b]

i dont believe in love. (of course that doesnt mean i dont love my sisters and brothers and my parents)

The first time I read this sentence - which was this morning, three minutes late before I had to catch my train, so I hurried - I read: "...find the right Tenglish word for it." It took me a while until I it hits me that it was a lil' mistake :p[/b]

roflmao :yay:

I don't know. I honestly don't know. That's why I don't understand how someone can be engaged with someone, without meeting that person first.[/b]

You did not got my idea Fladian, when i mean know i mean know about personality and such. Example: if you ask me how much girls whom i had i knew, i can count on my fingers (as yuo know the longest relation i got was 3 monthed). So the big question is, how can you "love at first sight" someone whom likes and deslikes, qualities and wrongs you dont know?

Not always. This is something I'll come back on later on.[/b]

Thats is why i said generally. but in my case, at least i firstly aproach a girl because of her beauty and/or charm. what is charm you may ask? a relatively ugly girl may be charmy, its the kind of girl that seduces you

I recently was "attracted" to a girl at first sight. Well, not first sight actually, I remember her face from somewhere else, but don't got a clue from where. But the point just is, I didn't hear her talk because I never saw her among friends nor was it her beauty, because I know a lot of girls that I like a lot more when it comes to looks. Unfortunately, I am unable to step up to someone to talk without a reason, especially when I want to make a good first impression. So, I haven't talked to her. Whatever the sight of her does to me, I am not sure, but I don't believe in love at first sight and especially without knowing her at all.[/b]

you dont admit it, but it was either her beauty or charm that atracted to her, that sensation that "i know you form somewhere else" is exactly the kind of thing you feel

That too, but it also shelters you from any problems, so being safe, it is true.[/b]

That is the kind of "safety" that i dont want for myself, nor desire for no one. Also, life is a challenge

There is not much to say in Daelin's matter, Raiju. You don't know any details about it, so it is not known if you are necessarily have to "rescue" him. That I 'theoreticly' have a girlfriend is one thing, but I, too never had a relationship, despite becoming more outgoing. But even though I never had a (proper) relationship, there would no way, or at least, not necessarily way to "rescue me", as you say.[/b]

maybe the right word for it was "help". but like i said, its lame to try to help him through keyboard

Agreed, though it is easier said than done. I can tell, I have been as shy as h-e-l-l for more than seventeen years. The scar on my wrist, the motivation of DJ's and my desires changed me, though all three of them are something that is a rare motivation to find. The scar on my wrist was an accident, the DJ is my idol and someone I can listen to daily (okay, six days a week) and the desires in my heart is something different for every single human. But saying "don't let shyness dominate" is a good thing.[/b]

I know its more easy to say than to do, believe it or not i wasnt born the way iam, my personality was built thorugh 17 years of life experience. But i left my shyness toward girls when i was 11, because my greatest doubt in that time was "and what if she dont like it?", then my cousin said that if she said something like "i didnt liked it you freak" i could send her to *****. That was a great relief to my early teenage


New Member
You mean you lied to your friends that you have a girlfriend but you dont? thats rough mate...[/b]
Where did I say I lied to my friends that I had a girlfriend? I was popular because of the exceptional movements I was able to make with my hands, and arms back then.

i dont believe in love. (of course that doesnt mean i dont love my sisters and brothers and my parents)[/b]
Family love is it called.

You did not got my idea Fladian, when i mean know i mean know about perosnality andsuch. Example: if you ask me how much girls whom i had i knew, i can count on my fingers (as yuo know the longest relation i got was 3 monthed). So the big question is, how can you "love at first sight" someone whom likes and deslikes, qualities and wrongs you dont know?[/b]
Now I don't get what you mean here. Not only did I trip over several words here - read your own sentence - but I lost you.
Though of what I understand what you said, it was exactly to what I referred to. I pulled the "engagement without meeting each other first" to it because it is similar in the same case. When someone hasn't met his future bride yet, how can he be sure to love him, or her? Because of "love at first sight?" Because he must love her? There is no possible way to be familiar with the other persons "likes, and dislikes, qualities and wrongs."

Thats is why i said generally. but in my case, at least i firstly aproach a girl because of her beauty and/or charm. what is charm you may ask? a relatively ugly girl may be charmy, its the kind of girl that seduces you
you dont admit it, but it was either her beauty or charm that atracted to her, that sensation that "i know you form somwhere lse" is exactly the kind of thing you feel[/b]
Two quotes at once, don't get confused.

The girl I mentioned I am "attracted" to is someone I know little... no, I don't know anything from. I recognized her from somewhere, but she is a second year student like me and I probably noticed her a few times stepping in the same bus as me. It took me one and a half year to notice her, so I am sure I've seen her before. But from where, how and when, is what I don't know the details of. Though it could also have been that she has been a student at my previous school as well, but I can't recall ever talking to her, or she to me.
There is no sensation, there is no charm and there is no "beauty" that is supposed to seduce me. Though it is true that I focus more on the personality of someone than the looks, I will not deny being attracted to the 'good looking' ones. Unfortunately, this isn't the case here, since by looks, she is not my type at all.

That is the kind of "safety" that i dont want for myself, nor desire for no one. Also, life is a challenge[/b]
I agree with you there, but the intention was showing what the "safety" could mean. No different reasons.

maybe the right word for it was "help". but like i said, its lame to try to help him through keyboard[/b]
"Help" would clear some things up, though I don't really see how it should be "lame", as it isn't the first time as I see something like that happen, including out of my mout... err... fingers.

I know its more easy to say than to do, believe it or not i wasnt born the way iam, my perosnality was built thorugh 17 years of life experience. [/b]
I have no real comment to make on it. Some people are just like that, I'm not one of them. I was in need of the experience to see things with my own eyes to act the way I would want to act. Even then, I was not able to if I didn't have the proper motivation to it, which I finally got when I accidentally cut myself. A little memory to my past...

But i left my shyness toward girls when i was 11, [/b]
I'm a little clouded-minded to go digging in my memory, but wasn't there a saying: "Being thrown in front of the lions"? Or is that a Dutch saying only? Anyway, I didn't have much at a choice when I was brought in a class with only girls. Not moving and saying at all would not really give a joyful year after all. Though I think it would have gone fine with myself as well wouldn't I get in such a situation... it would only take a while longer. I don't got a clue what kind of a role my scar would play if it wasn't for that class.

because my greatest doubt in that time was "and what if she dont like it?", then my cousin said that if she said something like "i didnt liked it you freak" i could send her to *****. That was a great relief to my early teenage
I'm not sure what I was afraid of back then. When I got over it, it feels as if I lost all my memories of what I thought when I didn't dare to talk to someone as well. Though a part of the shyness is still printed in my head, something I'll probably never get out. I still need a reason to talk.