New Member
The question is, a I see it, what price are we as a society willing to pay in order to avoid offending anyone? It is absolutely ludicrous. In life there are certainties such as: you will lose, you will win, you will be offended, you will offend people, you will be excluded, included, stereotyped, persecuted, cheered, jeered, knocked down, and picked up.
The point is, it seems that people are striving for societal and governmental euphoria sanctioned by the very entity that holds them down. Bitching and moaning about it will not change anything. YOU MUST BE PROACTIVE. Obvoisly, someone's voice was heard loud and clear enough to have part of a historical quote watered down sufficiently to disillusion two people from what is arguably the strongest generation this country has seen in recent history.
Because of special interest groups, activist judges, and a bloated government that frankly doesn't give a damn abouth the average joe, WE THE PEOPLE must initiate a change to the momentum that is carrying this once great country of ours into a sea of complacent despotism.
Obviously you are all passionate enough to contribute your two cents. Why don't you make them count by contacting your elected officials (term used loosely) and let them know that you are unhappy about how things are going? This is how America was designed to operate. Take advantage of it.
The point is, it seems that people are striving for societal and governmental euphoria sanctioned by the very entity that holds them down. Bitching and moaning about it will not change anything. YOU MUST BE PROACTIVE. Obvoisly, someone's voice was heard loud and clear enough to have part of a historical quote watered down sufficiently to disillusion two people from what is arguably the strongest generation this country has seen in recent history.
Because of special interest groups, activist judges, and a bloated government that frankly doesn't give a damn abouth the average joe, WE THE PEOPLE must initiate a change to the momentum that is carrying this once great country of ours into a sea of complacent despotism.
Obviously you are all passionate enough to contribute your two cents. Why don't you make them count by contacting your elected officials (term used loosely) and let them know that you are unhappy about how things are going? This is how America was designed to operate. Take advantage of it.