Dreams, enjoy them. Its where reality has twists, things supernatural that you can enjoy. In real life obviously you cant be a werewolf, but in your dreams you can. Its something that should be treasured more than people like to think. [/b]
Not always, Morrowind. Though I'll admit that I share the same opinion as you, I have a few arguments to make on it.
I said a while ago, that I once had a dream several years ago that made me stop dreaming for years. Though the dream that so called, 'scared' me, was not unpleasant. I certainly enjoyed it, until I woke up and it is definitely reality (with, or without a twist. I never found out) but nothing supernatural. It's no nightmare either, but in the end, it is not something I enjoy recalling.
But eventually, something I do hold dear. Perhaps that's because it was a person I cared for...
Many people think of dreams as something stupid but theyre not, its basically you in a nother world where no rules exist at all. [/b]
True. But not always do you have the influence on the dream to let yourself "enjoy it", as you said. To return to the subject of earlier, the dream I had was something I had no influence about, and it would be very possible for it to happen in real life, if I didn't chicken out. The people in the dream had a mind of their own, and by stating the mind, or opinion, of someone, it just...
scared me. A mental shock.
Then there are messages, some i urgently try to write down because they really are wise, things that mean alot. [/b]
I used to do that too. But when I look back at them, it just isn't clear enough to remember them anymore.
Some of my 'notes' are made into stories though.
sorry for wasting time, [/b]
Get this straight, Morrowind. You are
never wasting time, so never apologize for it. If I'd apologize for everything I thought what might be "wasting time", I should nearly apologize at every post of mine
Post what you like, Morrwind. Remember, this is online, what you say here will not have as much influence as it has when it comes out of your mouth in words. Apologizing can always be done later on, if necessary.
Sharing your dream, how strange, how scary, how... exceptional it might be, they may all be said. This thread was made to interest people in other dreams. (Who made this thread anyway? Me?) The creator couldn't have thought that he'd only see one certain subject of dream.
im not joking either, several mediums have confirmed i have such an ability.
Fact remains that I don't trust the words of mediums too tightly, but in all honestly, I would be quite scared if I would share that... "ability." I'd prefer my... "
exceptionalities" of what I have now.
Whats wrong with my photo?
Go to the 'Real Identity' thread, they discussed it there.
Oh, and it has been a while, James.