what is the best dream(s) you have had?


New Member
dont think so...
i usta fall outta my bed on purpose and make a big bang so my mum or dad would tuck me in :3 but that was when i was 4(yes i can remeber)


New Member
The Best Dream i Had Ever Had was when i got out of bed in a dream and i went outside i played with
friends i got new friends i got real freinds instead of fake i made alot of friends and i gladlley did then the
dream continued and i appeared in a world of death and decay things on fire and people getting killed i was
so scared i started to cry it was really scarry then somebody came up to me that had light around him and
he told me not to be scared so i wasnt and i got away with him them he dissepeared into a cloud of dust
then i cried and then i heard a noise which said "i will be back some Day" then i saw things comeing after
me i went inside and i went downstairs and the furnis was alive !!!! i screamed and ran far away i cried as i saw the house burn down and monsters followed me and tried to hurt me i ran far away my hair going into my face and i fell down and said it is all over for me. When i woke up the wall was red and i was scared only to find out that i will still in the dream and i screamed for mercy and i started towards the door then when my savior saved me from *beep* and all demons attacking me. I Cried and said thankyou and i woke up as my BF kissed me and i smiled Brightlly.
People have told me that I talk in my sleep of that I sleepwalk. I don't beleive them, though I find sleepwalking is awesome, it's somehthing that you cant explain to me, I won't listen. I like the world better if I don't know things, at the same time I get mad when I don't know thing, strange...
Anyways I can't remember my dreams. Either that or I get reality with dreams mixed up even though dreams don't make sense to me.
Last dream I remember was like this:
I was like a small person (like mini-me) and I was kidnapped by Michael Jackson. He then injected something weird into me and the wall behind me blew up and I became "Mini-Michael" then I switched to someone else.
(I usually change characters in my dreams)
I was another person (normal person) trapped in an imaginary mansion (owned by michael) and then (I was with two other people) we were planning to escape. So we ran outside and ran,the road went as far as we could see and there was a forest on out left side and a field on our right side, and we just ran. And then Michael ran outside and was chasing after us (he was running like 300mph) and then he was shooting at us with a handgun and then a cop came out of nowhere and told us to go back and so we did. We tried escaping again by playing hide-n-seek with mini-mike we ran the other way this time and the street went downhill, but there were houses lining the street so we hid there, he found us again....rest of it is a blur..
I love dreams, even nightmares, dreams are just fun to have.
BUT! The best dreams are dreams where you fly (without a plane or anything, you can fly, like a bird) when you wake up its the best feeling in the world...


New Member
sleep-walking is dangerous, if you live in an apartment you may fall off the window...

i sleep like a baby, dont walk, dont talk and sorta like it (none of my brothers complain about my sleep)


New Member
sleep-walking is dangerous, if you live in an apartment you may fall off the window..[/b]
I know -_- I learned that during a story while making the 'final exam' of English :p I really had a lot of trouble trying to stop laughing. Quite embarrassing as well, sitting in a room with about 200 people, and someone suddenly starts laughing :p

Ugh... I don't even want to think about it anymore :p (The only reason why I still remember it clearly is because I had a perfect score :p)
I know -_- I learned that during a story while making the 'final exam' of English :p I really had a lot of trouble trying to stop laughing. Quite embarrassing as well, sitting in a room with about 200 people, and someone suddenly starts laughing :p

Ugh... I don't even want to think about it anymore :p (The only reason why I still remember it clearly is because I had a perfect score :p)
Why so funny?


New Member
The story was about a man who fell several floors down from a flat when he was on vacation in Spain. Mind that the guy was Brittish. The Brit didn't speak a single word of Spanish, or so the text said. When he fell down, it was quite a miracle he survived - I can't remember the amount of floors - but it was more of a miracle that he fully recovered.

He broke several body parts (fragments of his back, or anything like that. I can't remember details) because of the fall and was brought to the hospital. When he came back to his senses, a lot of "people in white suits" walked around him. They talked in a language he didn't understand and tried to ask what they were doing to them. Only to learn that they don't understand him, and he doesn't understand him.
After more than three hours, someone who could translate both languages to each other arrived and explained what was going on.

That's all I can remember of it. But it wasn't just the story that made me laugh, the questions about it was a laughing matter as well. But like usual, I can't remember any questions.


New Member
i think he pictured in his mind a person in total "hipnotic state" heading like a zombie to the open window jajajajaja


New Member
Well, one dream i remember almost completely, and another i remember only some small parts. First one... A bit weird: im watching a cartoon(well it was about 8 years ago, i was 7), in it about 8 animal tamers are beating up a lion who doesnt care that he is beaten up (they used lances or something like that). After a long time i see: A lion is in the house! He cam into my room, my brother was sleeping hard. I took a lighter and used the light to make things on the ceiling. He was distracted watching the ceiling things, and after a moment it was like i pointed it on the lion and he was roaring on me with all his teeth shown. And i screamed(somehow i couldnt) "Nooooo!!!"... There where the dream ends. The second one: only parts as i said: like im on a cementery, clouded sky, im standing near a dead tree, and a crow have eaten up meat from my left arm. Then the arm falled off and i took it in my right hand and was trying to fight the crow with it... It was such a weird dream that i had to tell it to my parents.


New Member
you got alot of death things in it...

i remeber 1 dream..when i was 3.
yes..3yrs old...
it was a barnyard scene..stacks of hay where towered..i looked upon the tower and there sat my dragon stuff toy..hey smirky face and big eyes...seemed scary..she was goin to destroy the world..i had to stop her..but i couldnt do it on my own..i ran to mum....i told her to come..she was busy doing the clothes washing..i went to dad..but he was busy watching that News programme (the really old one, like current affairs or somthin and it had a blue screen)
and dad wouldnt come..
i look upon the toy again..it whispered..death..death...
and then...thats all i could remember..


New Member
kill thy Werewulf? art though thy monstoerus being...
i love my dreams..one time i was a teacher..and i hovered down the road to the school...opened a door really fast!(class room door) and i then saw blood and peices of flesh all over the darkened scene of a classroom..6yr old kids..clutched their eyes..the room ranc of rottin flesh..and blood..
a teacher came in..and told me i just killed 2 little kids..boby age 5 and hes sister..


New Member
Really bloody dreams you got there Werewulf. :)

Seems like i didnt dream for now more, so i dont have anything to tell you about for now.