What is your key setup?


New Member
here is how i do it-i usually start of by going from primary to knife from
spawn, then haul ass to where i want to be bc its a pub, and go to secondary,
then to primary. this allows me to blow a clip of primary and hit quickswitch(Q)
back to secondary and finish off rl:gl with my usp.

if i know i am about to flank the shit outta t's on short a or something
bc long was quiet and noone in b has died, then i go from primary to
knife and chase rl:gl down the catwalk and shank him, hit Q and try to
get a few more before they turn around.

if its nade time, i scroll with the mousewheel. that lesson is free, next one
will cost you.



New Member
noobs all of you....

i use a totally default setup

these are the only changes

mic= mouse 5

and i ahve my promary weapon bound to mouse 4

this is not the normal qiuck switch you guys waste yoru time with, i have created a script that selects my main gun, not the previous weapon...

btw i can write one for anyone, and i can make this work for any weapon(primary, secondary,knife,etc), so if yoru interested gimme a yell, send me a PM, or jsut say something ingame.....


New Member
crouch = c
jump = space
talk = g
weapon's = 1234
quickswitch = q
fire = mb1
secondary = mb2

Everything else is standard, i just don't know how people can play with ctrl as being crouch.


New Member
Casualty said:
noobs all of you....

i use a totally default setup

these are the only changes

mic= mouse 5

and i ahve my promary weapon bound to mouse 4

this is not the normal qiuck switch you guys waste yoru time with, i have created a script that selects my main gun, not the previous weapon...

btw i can write one for anyone, and i can make this work for any weapon(primary, secondary,knife,etc), so if yoru interested gimme a yell, send me a PM, or jsut say something ingame.....

Cas... It all makes sense now!

lol... just messing...


New Member
lol that is explained by the fact taht taht was one day of playing(maybe 2 hours) bwefore which i hadnt touched my pc for 2 weeks except to reformat and try to get linux and xp to dual boot

Ramon Knight

New Member
{Iceman} said:
crouch = c
jump = space
talk = g
weapon's = 1234
quickswitch = q
fire = mb1
secondary = mb2

Everything else is standard, i just don't know how people can play with ctrl as being crouch.

Well, it puts my pinky to use, i'm much more mobile..plus i can jump-crouch forward, turn, and fire with a single hand gesture...i dont see how you can hit w c+spacebar, then move your hand back to strafe if necessary...you're either hitting w/s with your ring finger (which is tied to the pinky anyway) with pinky on a, middle on d, pointer on c and thumb on space...or your hand is moving all over the place.


New Member
on keyboard

q strife left
e strife right
w forward walk
s backup
a/f jump
d duck
r reload
space use
12345 weapons
shift walk
tab show scores

trackball mouse
left click primary fire
right click secondary
scroll thingy fast switch

i dont talk ingame
and only type when im dead
public chat y
team chat u

i dont use mic.
but if i did id make it capslock

my sensativity is set to 8.5


New Member
Q/mouse2-quick switch
A/D-left right
Z/X/C-chat commands
Mouse 4- voice chat
mouse 1-fire
M-team pick
[-weapon special thing

thats all i can think of...


New Member
w,a,s,d - movment
Mouse- look
Mouse 1 - Fire
Mouse 2 - alt fire
q- quickswitch
e - use
r- reload
cntrl - crouch
space - jump
v - talk
Scroll wheel click - spray

Mouse sens - 13.0

Also...how many of you use your buy scripts???