gay, i ahd a whole msg typed and it got erased.
this is my userconfig:
alias "cas" "name [PuNx]-||-Casualty"
bind "[" "cas"
alias "swb" "name sw@b"
bind "]" "swb"
alias "pri" "slot1"
alias "sec" "slot2"
bind "mouse4" "pri"
echo "Userconfig Loaded"
bind "F3" "amxmodmenu"
bind "i" "vesthelm; vest; ak47; m4a1; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind "p" "vesthelm; vest; defender; famas; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind ";" "vesthelm; vest; mp5; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind "l" "vesthelm; vest; m3; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind "o" "vesthelm; vest; sg552; aug; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind "k" "vesthelm; vest; scout; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind "'" "vesthelm; vest; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser; secammo"
if you want to create your own then click the 'autobuy' file in this directory, the names of each item is in this file.
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YourSteamName\condition zero\cstrike
the default command for buy scripts is this
bind "letter" "xxx; xxx"
all of this needs to be entered into a file called userconfig.cfg in this directory
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YourSteamName\condition zero\czero
use notepad to create this file
then save it, and open up yrou config file in the same Dir.
scroll to the end and make sure it says "exec userconfig.cfg"
let me know if you need more help