What is your key setup?


New Member
Casualty said:
ice man you can pick and choose what you want to buy, i have several

most buy a paticular gun, armor, ammo, and my choice of granades, i also use a 'refresh' script to buy new nades amd ammo if i dont die

But how do you set them up?


New Member
gay, i ahd a whole msg typed and it got erased.

this is my userconfig:

alias "cas" "name [PuNx]-||-Casualty"
bind "[" "cas"
alias "swb" "name sw@b"
bind "]" "swb"
alias "pri" "slot1"
alias "sec" "slot2"
bind "mouse4" "pri"
echo "Userconfig Loaded"
bind "F3" "amxmodmenu"
bind "i" "vesthelm; vest; ak47; m4a1; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind "p" "vesthelm; vest; defender; famas; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind ";" "vesthelm; vest; mp5; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind "l" "vesthelm; vest; m3; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind "o" "vesthelm; vest; sg552; aug; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind "k" "vesthelm; vest; scout; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser"
bind "'" "vesthelm; vest; primammo; hegren; flash; defuser; secammo"

if you want to create your own then click the 'autobuy' file in this directory, the names of each item is in this file.
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YourSteamName\condition zero\cstrike

the default command for buy scripts is this

bind "letter" "xxx; xxx"

all of this needs to be entered into a file called userconfig.cfg in this directory
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YourSteamName\condition zero\czero

use notepad to create this file
then save it, and open up yrou config file in the same Dir.
scroll to the end and make sure it says "exec userconfig.cfg"

let me know if you need more help


New Member
I like what you did with your script Cas. Did you check out this Autoscript CZ program that was linked here in the forum? I like it. It has a bunch of different features like a menu system for changing settings (cl_updaterate, rate, etc and changing crosshair color and size) but the part I like best is it has menu items for buying stuff based on how much money you currently have.


New Member
pup im so used to my scripts i know what i can afford and what i cant.

i have used a script program before back in 1.6

rze for anyone who may remeber that

and it really doesnt bother me to type cl_updaterate or anything, dont take long

ive got my system pretty near perfect, i love how i have it setup...

BTW im getting the logitech g15 gaming keyboard for christmas(or using gift money) so ill ahve 54 extra keys to sue for buy scripts and preset msg's

im going to have fun with it, but ill probably program 'water' 'dd' etc. in case i cant use my mic...


New Member
ws= forward back
ad= strafe left and right
q= quick switch
r= talk
e= use
crl= walk
shift= crouch
scroll up = special action/silencer (works well when knifing)
scroll down= jump (from 1.3 bunny hopping in cs)
space= jump
F2= instant Headshot (downloaded at punxclan.com)
F3= flash goggles (Also downloaded at punx, protects you from flashes)


New Member
Cas, can you bind a special key on that new keyboard that sends the message "Fuck you Puppet" ?? You're always so nice to me that I worry you might not like me. Be mean to me ok.


New Member
puppet taht is the first bind bro, so do you want caps? or a cool laid back very meaningful fuck you??

hahaha jsut kidding, i try to be nice to everyone(if im being a dick let me know)


New Member
yes i did work with havok, unfortunatly his computer has taken a crash, whcih reminds me that im supposed to go over there and see if i can help him