Who wants to rant?


New Member
Last time I checked - which was a very long time ago - I was still at a little more than 1.60 cm... or less, I'm not sure.

When I try to kick someone, I got more chance I'll hurt myself than the "foe" :p

Im sure youre not in the 1,60s, its too small. i think you are older than me, and im 1,77cm. so unless you have growth problems...

Maybe its because you dont make exercises and dont train martial style


New Member
I don't train "martial style" and as for exercise, not much. And yet, I'm considered tall. I think my secret is eating a lot :p
However, new rant. (I think...?)
What's with flossing? I hardly ever floss, my teath are just fine. So are my gums. And yet, EVERY time you go to the dentist, floss floss floss! I just want to tell them to shut it.


New Member
Im sure youre not in the 1,60s, its too small. i think you are older than me, and im 1,77cm. so unless you have growth problems...[/b]
My body stopped growing for two/three full years, which resulted me in being quite short for a long time. When I graduated from Junior High - and made a scar on my wrist that worked as a motivation to change - I started to grow again with an unreasonable pace. I grew 20 - 30 cm in less than two years. I couldn't fit in most of my clothes anymore and everything I bought, I grew out of it in only a matter of months. Because of that, I stopped buying clothes for a while... or at least, until I stop growing, which can't take too much longer.

Nowadays, I'm quite familiar with a (girl)friend that is older than me, yet a lot shorter than me. I'm guessing her in the early 1.60. Does she have a growing problem? I don't think so...

Maybe its because you dont make exercises and dont train martial style
Nonsense. When I was young, I exercised more than enough, just not for the past few years. That I never have been in good form is a fact though.
Training marterial art style is nonsense. That has no effect on growing. As an addition to that, when I was 7 - 9 I used to do karate. I got bored of it after a year, and stopped. I can't remember a thing about it anymore.

As for the flossing. Well, I could do it, or I couldn't. I never really was pointed out to it in particular.


New Member
And i wasnt ever told by any dentist to floss my teeth. :p (if i'm correct of what flossing means) About the size, noone really knows, me nor my family, how i grew so tall. My dad is 1.96, my mom is 1.70 or around that. My brother who is 3 years older than me is smaller by 1 cm. I never did any exercises or eat very much. I simply grow so big with no reason.


New Member
It also has a connection to your blood. I mean, asian people don't tend to get as big as the more Western people. I do got asian blood running through my veins.
Even if I ate all day, I wouldn't get much bigger. Perhaps I'd gain a few pounds, but I doubt even that. I can eat as much as I want, but I can't get fat, which is annoying at some times, because I'm quite thin.

As for flossing:


New Member
Yeah thats what i thought about flossing. And about blood you may be right, though both my parents and all the family i remember were polish people. No yetis were involved. :p Ah i remember now, 2 cousins of mine are even taller than me,(seriously, they look HUGE) both got smaller wifes even than me.(1.60 for both i guess) Opposites drag eachother.


New Member
Well, that's a nice variation for a change :p

Recently I walked together with two classmates to a different school building. The guy who walked besides me is a full head bigger than me, but I truly was surprised when I saw what kind of people stood in front of that building.
It was nothing special though. It were just two students talking to each other, but together with those two classmates of mine, we had to walk past them - me being the shortest of the three. Personally, I don't think they even noticed that one of my classmates and I walked in front of them. They didn't really move or make a gesture when the tallest of us three walked past them either.
"You know... I felt really short at that time."
It wasn't us being that short though. They were just... big.


New Member
Though I might be mistaking, the school I'm on is connected with either a Junior High or an elementery school. Eitherway, I usually see a lot of young kids walking and playing around when I'm having a free hour.

Besides that, I'm on the average length of a normal guy right now. Not very tall, but I can't be called short anymore either.
Though I'll probably always keep calling myself short. It is something I'm used to, and habits such as that are hard too stop.


New Member
And a funny thing: there's a girl in my class that is 1.5 head smaller than me. When we stand next to eachother she looks even smaller than she is. :yay:

And my school is connected to another too, but we call school grades differently in here. So: 6 basic school classes, next gymnasium 3 classes. No matter, anyway both those schools are connected so i see alot of kids too.


New Member
And a funny thing: there's a girl in my class that is 1.5 head smaller than me. When we stand next to eachother she looks even smaller than she is. :yay:[/b]
I used to be a classmate of a girl that was a lot shorter than me too. We're still friends.
I'm also familiar with someone at the school who comes to my waist (!!!). Of course, I'll have to mention that she doesn't posses any legs, and walks on... well, I'm not even sure how to call it. To be honest, I'm not even sure what they are.

And my school is connected to another too, but we call school grades differently in here. So: 6 basic school classes, next gymnasium 3 classes. No matter, anyway both those schools are connected so i see alot of kids too.
Grades of other nations usually confuse me quite badly :p
But as for my own school, I'm familiar with some people of 16 years old, and some of the 25+, who are also still students, though I never had to share a class with anyone of such an age. The oldest person I'm a classmate of right now is 23, last year it was someone of 22 (who is 23 now) who is now married and pregnent.
So, it is quite hard to guess the age out here :p


New Member
And so im in the oldest class of my school. Youngest are 7 and they got to the 1 class basic school. And i got a mate in the class that is 18 and leaving everything away, really no care for school. I wonder who he will be when he will leave this school. I guess a simple worker on a construction yard. Or a junkster. (forgot to mention that the rest of the class is 15, including me)


New Member
Kinda, not in this, or in the previous year, i never been in any cafeteria or a restaurant. No fastfoods either. Healthy me or what? :wtf: Im glad that i dont go to McDonalds each week though. I like their food but i dont wanna waste my cash.(im saving for a new comp :p)


New Member
There is a cafetaria at the school I'm in. At least four times a week, I buy a little box of chicken-nuggets. Expensive, but they taste pretty good :p

There is a snack-bar only a few minutes walk from the school, and also a supermarket. Both at walking distance. But still, the 20 minutes and 10 minutes break are extremely boring... especially when you're on your own. *sigh*