Who wants to rant?



New Member
Breakfast? Oh I got fine breakfast.
When I have the first hour off, - which I have everyday, except monday and friday, if I remember right - I can't take breakfast. Though, that was during the time when I still went with the bus to school. Nowadays, I take the train, which goes a lot faster, so I guess I can take a quick breakfast during my first hour too.

All other days - except during the weekend - I usually take my time with my breakfast. It's not much, but it's enough to get me throughout the day without lunch. Most people I know don't take breakfast, and I understand all too well why. But I four years ago, I taught myself to wake up as early as possible so I could finish a lot of things. So even though I had to be at school at 10 AM, I woke up at 5:00 AM. Nowadays, I have my clock set at 6:00 AM, and I tend to wake up at 6:00 - 7:00, and when I have more than one hour free from school, I tend to wake up at 8:00 - 9:00. The only bad side of it is that I miss most of the morning program on the radio.


New Member
Heh, i dont get such a busy day. My school starts usually 8:00 AM, on Thursdays its 8:50 AM. So i wake up at 7:00(7:30 at Thursdays :p). And i can walk to my school, no bus needed here. 5-10 minutes walking from my home.


New Member
By bus it takes about an hour for me to get to school. Last year, I was in a traffic jem with the bus, it took me two and a half hour until I arrived at school. By the time time I arrived, I only had two lessons left, but I don't think many teachers noticed me not being there. After all, only a handful of students from my class arrived.
When I have to start at the first hour, I have to leave my home at 7:20 AM, if I want to go by bus. The bus I have to take to get to the station arrives every 5 - 10 minutes. The bus I have to take at the station leaves around 7:40 - 7:50. IF it shows up. It has a habit of not showing up.

I have to leave 7:50 - 7:55 from home to get to the train. Recently, a train station has been created at about a five minutes walking distance, if not less. But because I can't adjust to leave around such a time - and that the train is even less reliable than the bus - I usually leave around 7:45. The train is supposed to leave at 7:55, but I have yet to see it arrive at that exact time. It's always either five (or more) minutes early or late. Mostly late.
The train trip takes about 10 - 15 minutes. Walking to school, on the other hand. From the station to school is a completely different story. I'll say it this way:
1. When I walk with a guy from my class, count on it that I'll be late in class. The walk to school takes about 15 - 25 minutes.
2. When I walk with a friend from my class, I usually get there on time. The walk to school takes about 15 - 20 minutes then.
3. When I walk with a certain (girl)friend, who is a classmate of mine, to school, it takes about 10 - 15 minutes, which easily gets me on time, with time to spare.
4. When I walk to school with the girl I like, then it usually takes about 20 minutes. Either getting me on time, or a few minutes late.
5. When I walk on my own to school, I'm always on time. It takes about 7 - 10 minutes then.

Raiju, I didn't delete any post.


New Member
Ah Flad, get a girlfriend for those long walks :p
The cafeteria I have has great burgers, not exactly healthy, but not fast food either. It's kinda like pub food... (don't ask how I know that :p).


New Member
My girlfriend is living on the other side of the nation, Undead. It takes far too long to go there everday for just for a few minutes. :p

But like I said, I usually (or actually, always) walk with someone to school. It only happened once that I was there on my own, and had to walk to school on my own. All other times, I walked there with people I know. Would that be classmates, friends, old-classmates, people I just know, people I meet in the train or a specific person I was hoping to meet.

I still like the chicken-nuggets... they're a little expensive though...


New Member
The "relationship" I have with her is not going to survive for a long time anyway. It wasn't something we had in mind too, so it doesn't really matter. Not to mention that our "relationship" is quite argumentable.
Though I agree with a "long distance" between nations. Though where she lives and I live has more than 60% of the entire Netherlands inbetween. (Un)Fortunately, the Netherlands is quite a small country.

Pub food is quite cheap, agreed, though it isn't when you don't have an income (anymore). :p


New Member
Pizza hut. Well, I usually order a Pizza at home. One of my favorite things to do is sitting home (preferrable alone) on the couch, watching my favorite football team play a match and eating a big pizza in the mean time. Ah... that's something I could do daily. :p
But to be honest, I don't even want to think about a pizza t the moment... or any kind of food for that matter.

Last time I did that, I ate far too much. I didn't really get hungry for the next two or three days.
That was not meant as a joke :p