Your impression of...


New Member
*Sings in cheerful tone* "Nobody loves me! Everybody hates me! La la la la la!"

Okay, just kidding. What the heck do you mean "Who are you anyway"!?!
Anyway, fine, I'll get up to my 500th post, then ask you again.


New Member
Some threads never get old.

Currently I'm not in a position to make good impressions, though I did ask some people to give me a description when I said a name. Pretty funny how much was similar.


New Member
It's a bad timing for most people to ask such during this time, Tenebrae. Especially myself, as I am swamped with things to do, which studying (for a first) is on its highest priority.

Most people are busy during these times...


New Member
haha yeah, nobody posts enough, i have no life and im on the computer a lot and have nothing to more! allthough this isnt my kind of thread..:nuts:


New Member
This thread wasn't intending to let you tell about yourself. That's the True Identity thread for. This is how people think about other people and what their (first) impression of someone is, as the first post in this thread clearly explains.


New Member
i didnt mean to try to describe myself, i was just saying that people should post more BECAUSE i have no life and im on the computer a lot and it would gimme something to do..

//end off-topicness