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New Member

Me, on the wrong forum? I currently attend to four different forums, Squishy (Wc3 Anvil, SCH-fansite, and a Writing forum; ironically all by a different name) and I don't call myself out of place in any of them.

I think the current activity is pretty good, actually.
I was referring to the activity of a single person.


New Member
i mean most of your posts i would assume are in off topic sections iono i posted about 15 minutes after waking up and i think undead is bipolar (as in positive one minute negative another) because he gives a lot of good comments and greets everyone but is really the most strict on following the rules iono again 15 minutes after waking up


New Member
LOL BIPOLAR. That's quite funny XD
I'd have to say squishy, you're close. It's quite obvious I'm serious at times, and not at others. But I feel there is a time to be serious, and a time where it's just not needed :)