nice one SEAL, well, mine would be in Overdose, i was in the human side, and when the zombies started their attack, they infected almost 8 players, and we, the 8 humans still alive manage to head up to the first elevator, we were all there owning tah zombees, the ammo of my dudes' MG's was off the, so we tried to stay alive with melee and AR...
When the zombies overflooded us, we had to get outta there, and we were like a SWAT team, all the 8 dudes were heading up to the same place at the same time, then the zombies attacked us and all uf us humans took our own ways and manage to get the second elevator.
I got theelevator first, and then aanother guy came behind me, so we both were safe, we left the gates opened and all the dudes came, now we were just four humans vs. 12 zombies, but surprisingly, a frikin noob get close to the gate and BAM... zombie inside the cage the three humans left were running like crazy, and i died last fighting 3 zombies...
dude 1: NO F WAY!!!
dude 2: YOU F*CK*NG F*CKS!!! <------------------------This one made me LOL like crazy...
me: ROOFLES....