I have three that tie...so I'll tell them all!

My team was being camped, so I said "scr*w it!" and started rushing them (had K3 with extra ammo and heavy armour and helm, AKA walking tank)
I killed some of them, then rushed to thier base, where they had spawned and were still recovering from shock, so I threw a smoke grenade, and they (obviously) stared fireing, and I just walked into thier base and slautered them... got a
'Fantastic!' and did not die (but I was down to 12-15HP,30-45 AP) ...they panicked and killedme afterwards...and they also said I was hacking...but I killed them with a shovel
second (still Rattlesnake):
My team was attacking, and a sniper was taking us out, so I just 'set-up' [stopped and crouched...] and started blasting at the tower from the middle of the open killing ground...a few seconds later...
both times I was assulting the spawning point that is downhill from the warehouse
third (Waverider):
I had a sniping battle with this girl, she was a great shot, so she was camping the lighthouse, I grabed a L9 and shot once with the scope and missed. then she fired, and I had to zoom out from terror at headshot, and I accidentally no-scoped her from the top of the stair way in the respawn point alllll the way to the light house sniper's nest up top...
those are mine!