Your Most Hilarious Kill :D



Active Member
haha lol good one
During an OMA in Warhead, a clannie killed me. Right when I respawned, he ran past me and you know how you sometimes would auto-fire when spawning? It totally shot a nice one through his pixellated forehead.
THAT was priceless.


New Member
i was on two towers on the roof sniping the guys that were goming up with my ghillie when BANG! i got sombody the kiwi's. it was hillrious.


New Member
i ahev made sum' NUTSHOTS with my L96... NUTSHOTS ARE LULZ o_O

I did that on junk flea some dude was near that explosive barrel thingy on the roof of bravo and you know how there is wood not metal when your on the roof thing near the door i no scoped him in his NUTZ and i got a headshot i guess the bullet when through his thingy and hit his head.


New Member
I have three that I'll tell them all! :D:


My team was being camped, so I said "scr*w it!" and started rushing them (had K3 with extra ammo and heavy armour and helm, AKA walking tank)

I killed some of them, then rushed to thier base, where they had spawned and were still recovering from shock, so I threw a smoke grenade, and they (obviously) stared fireing, and I just walked into thier base and slautered them... got a 'Fantastic!' and did not die (but I was down to 12-15HP,30-45 AP) ...they panicked and killedme afterwards...and they also said I was hacking...but I killed them with a shovel :p

second (still Rattlesnake):

My team was attacking, and a sniper was taking us out, so I just 'set-up' [stopped and crouched...] and started blasting at the tower from the middle of the open killing ground...a few seconds later...headshot!

both times I was assulting the spawning point that is downhill from the warehouse

third (Waverider):

I had a sniping battle with this girl, she was a great shot, so she was camping the lighthouse, I grabed a L9 and shot once with the scope and missed. then she fired, and I had to zoom out from terror at headshot, and I accidentally no-scoped her from the top of the stair way in the respawn point alllll the way to the light house sniper's nest up top...

those are mine!:eek:


New Member
I have three that I'll tell them all! :D:


My team was being camped, so I said "scr*w it!" and started rushing them (had K3 with extra ammo and heavy armour and helm, AKA walking tank)

I killed some of them, then rushed to thier base, where they had spawned and were still recovering from shock, so I threw a smoke grenade, and they (obviously) stared fireing, and I just walked into thier base and slautered them... got a 'Fantastic!' and did not die (but I was down to 12-15HP,30-45 AP) ...they panicked and killedme afterwards...and they also said I was hacking...but I killed them with a shovel :p

second (still Rattlesnake):

My team was attacking, and a sniper was taking us out, so I just 'set-up' [stopped and crouched...] and started blasting at the tower from the middle of the open killing ground...a few seconds later...headshot!

both times I was assulting the spawning point that is downhill from the warehouse

third (Waverider):

I had a sniping battle with this girl, she was a great shot, so she was camping the lighthouse, I grabed a L9 and shot once with the scope and missed. then she fired, and I had to zoom out from terror at headshot, and I accidentally no-scoped her from the top of the stair way in the respawn point alllll the way to the light house sniper's nest up top...

those are mine!:eek:

Woah thats a lot. Just got another one of mine

( All no scopes)

I was on Bravo team in Junk flea and there were 2 people in the tunnel and i waited for them to past through that little crack ( i was behind the metal thing sniping) then i shot got both of them and dropped down and shot another one near where the crane is. I quickly ran over to where the tank is over near alpha and no scoped 2 more people and im like fawk it and when into their base and headshot one of their AFK's and... BAM Unbelievable until i accidently killed myself dropping nades into their base. lol.