Being drunk...


New Member
If your friends force you to do something they shouldn't be your friends. Simple[/b]
This guy is full of wisdom! What he says is true. People that force other people to do stuff are jerks (no offense...wait...maybe...ack, nevermind).


New Member
Do that and you will be warned.[/b]
far out, since when did you become a moderator? I really dont think anybody else took that so seriously Undead, and if anybodies going to say that i'd prefer it to be a mod thanks.

Once i got drunk, fell over and knocked myself out.


New Member
far out, since when did you become a moderator? I really dont think anybody else took that so seriously Undead, and if anybodies going to say that i'd prefer it to be a mod thanks.[/b]
I thought I was just stating the obvious. Sorry for taking you too seriously.
And I don't think it takes a mod to tell you that if you post a thread just to flame someone that you will be warned.
I think I got drunk off of rum cakes once.... o_O


New Member
Its ok Undead, but this post isnt really all about flaming, more like trying to save somebody from a bad habit, and about getting drunk. And lol about the rumcakes!


New Member
You mentioned harrassing Werewulf in your post that I talked about. That would equal flaming.
And yes, the rumcakes were funny. I'm not quite sure I was drunk, but I think I was. My mom didn't know there was actually rum in them lol.


New Member
Do that and you will be warned.
However, Werewulf, try to understand, we only have your best interests in mind.
PS: 1000 posts baby!
ha ha ha i dont think so U_L stop being such a grumpy bum, and btw i think you delibratly tried to get 1000 posts
ok seriously in a way morrwind should say that to try convince wulf not to smoke since its realy bad for her health


New Member
Well that's your point of view. I stand by mine. No one should be harrassed. And I didn't do that for my 1000th post. I was actually looking for something more...dunno but different comes to mind. I posted that and thought.. "oops...oh well".


New Member
Warning someone is very possible. There is no need to be a moderator for it. How often have I warned someone at Wc3c before I became a moderator? Once, though that is not the point. :p
Being a moderator only gives more possible options, warning people so they don't go on a stray path is something that everyone is able to do, even though the official warnings can only be given by moderators. I'm not the type that gives a warning fast, but when I do, I do it once.
What Undead does has no particular meaning, or anything to discuss about.

As for the friends, being no friends. It is true what it said about it, but I don't think anyone will hang out with people who will force all that much. No alcohol or drugs is necessary to see how pushy those "friends" are. In my case it was something like: "Come on, take some Ed. Well, if you don't want to, you don't have to." But this question came back every two minutes :p


New Member
The greatest advantage of being a mod is that you can either warn/ban the other guy or simply close the thread in which the discussion were happening

But this question came back every two minutes :p[/b]

Some people feel more confortable in drinking with company, this maybe the case of your friends


New Member
The greatest advantage of being a mod is that you can either warn/ban the other guy or simply close the thread in which the discussion were happening[/b]
True, though the mod can warn, I do not think he is able to ban. I personally use a completely different system, which does not necessarily need moderation powers.

Some people feel more confortable in drinking with company, this maybe the case of your friends
Friend. Only one guy did that to me. Most of my friends don't really mind me not drinking much. Though one friend of mine insists that I drink something not necessarily alcohol. But when I don't feel comfortable, mostly, I can act like a camel, not drinking at all without getting thirsty.


New Member
Heh, well drinking does make a certain mood. But like I explained earlier, my personality doesn't really change when I drink, or not. It just speeds up the process of me adjusting to the situation, or enviroment where I am.


New Member
Not the first time I'd see something like that. Even though I don't drink much, I do know some people who like to drink. :p Reactions vary from the people I tend to hang out with back then, but still :p