firefox vs internet explorer 7


New Member
No viper, he doesnt want religion in here cause it has no point. I dont like putting religion in either, so lets leave it as it is.

And i was using IE, then(not my choice) jumped on FF.


New Member
Yet you keep posting about it. Don't immediately assume that flaming will be involved. I've seen more than enough 'religion' threads without even a sign of a flame.

Regardless of all browsers, I am quite used to my Maxthon. I personally think that a 'browser' is "good" when it doesn't let you down. I mean, I never had any complain about Maxthon as long as I used it... well, except one. It has a nasty "close all" option I tend to click once in a while by accident or when I'm sleepy. Though it isn't really much of a problem, for some reason I always tend to click it when I'm working on a story which I didn't save (yet). :p Quite a pain to lose something like that... it happened quite often too, mind you.
Pretty funny that Maxthon's former name was 'MyIE2,' which is a name I used for a while too when I referred to my browser - well, duh. Many people assumed I meant the Internet Explorer (IE) though... :p

I have little experience with others browsers, such as Opera or Firefox.