Hacker discovers Aliens in NASA database.


New Member
Fladian, I never said aliens are as capible as us. I said the opposite. There is almost guarenteed no life like us in the galaxy perhaps. I know we have discovered an "Icy earth" 13 times the size of our planet, but thats 9000 light years away. And most planets are "hot jupiturs", planets over 2x the size of jupitur that are at average 1300F.

Life then would consist of bacteria and single celled organisms almost incapible of thinking.

Our solar system is perhaps one of the only with life capible of thinking.

Like I said, life would look alot different than us if it was found on europa, or a gas giant like jupitur.

They would be really primitive looking, and capible of almost nothing.

Read "Our universe" and the "Imaginary solar system tour" for more info of what life would look like on other planets.


New Member
going home from a friends place( well sorta friend, not anymore)
show shiny ball with fire around it floating in sky.
it hovers and is shiny.. yes..
stayed in one spot. started to hover around.
watched it for 10mins then it made a U movement and left up to space leaving a red or orange like that lasted 5 seconds, the ufo made that movement within less than 1 seconds,.
blah blah, id say more but i gotta go now.


New Member
I'm pretty confident I've seen one fall, and seen one move out of itself. :p That later one might involve me being drunk is what I must admit though. :p

Lately, being stoned, high, drunk or all of them is quite common nowadays. Oh, I'm not referring to myself. I cut down from all kind of stuff a year or two ago already.


New Member
Wait a minute,Fladian,don't you liver in a countrywere *cough*Canibis*cough* is legal?? lol

How come a streetlamp fell by itself??


New Member
Yeah. Ufos dont exist Werewulf. If you bother tio read my posts 99% of all extrasolarplanets discovered within 9000 lighbt yrears have "hot jupiturs," gas giants that are about 2 times the normal size and 1300F. And we havent found any intelectual life in our solar system...That includes us, btw.

Its ball lightning. I heard about it before.