I think I'm done playing CZ.



New Member
I don't know yet. I know a lot of people here feel the same way I do. I gotta sorta think aobut it casue I really do like playing her a lot and this game is something fun I can do when I'm stuck at home.

Puppet...dude...You got pissed when I was calling for backup. I had like 14 health and Hog was there with me with like 40 health. we were alone with deagles becasue everyone else went out stat whoring. I was planting the bomb and called for backup. I look at the radar and wait like 20 seconds and NOBODY'S COMING! I know other people are fighting in other places on the map but NOTEVERYONE WAS! and I see 2 enemies coming and firing at us! So Hog and I BOTH start laughing saying "OH SHIT! WE"RE GONNA DIE IF WE DON'T GET BACKUP" and we were laughing. Having a good time. Then...here comes big badass puppet "SHUT THE FUCK UP GUYS! GOD DAMNIT! I CAN"T HEAR ANYTHING! Well...You're a good player! If 2 of the 3 living enemies are APPROACHING ME and you're on the other end of the map with 3 other guys fucking around at the other bomb site waitinf for easy tunnel kills in DUST 2...I don't feel bad calling for abckup over and over again! BEcause I know you can get to me! I know you can handle that 1 stray guy out in the map that MIGHT be a threat. But when all the other palyers are at our location attacking us...and we're gonna die and they'll defuse the bomb. Yes...I'll call for backup over and over until I see someone coming close to us on the radar.

I have good strategy man I really do. Every time I or Iceman have been strategist in an LRK scrim we slaughter the other team. I jsut have a shitty computer so it's very unreliable. Plus my ping never goes under 120 on punx these days for some reason. So...I'm sorry if you like to flex your balls a lot these days but I don't care. It's a game and it's fun but it is a team game and whjen you need your teams help you sohuldn't feel bad asking for it.

To those of you that supported my thoughts...thanks. I'm not trying to start a fight...I just miss the fun.


New Member
Puppet you dirty so-and-so!!!!

Give him back his mic, goddammit!!! (but only if he gives up typing these looooong motherfuckin posts...lol)

Nightwing, I FEEL your pain-----but I took an aspirin...now get your ass back on the server and take a headshot.


New Member
Stop making it sound like you've been banned from the server. I'm not into your pity party. That isn't at all what happened. I have no idea what round you were talking about but sitting there joking around and shooting the shit with someone during live time is not my idea of calling for backup. Flexing my balls? I think telling you to shut up three times in a row is fair. I think telling an admin to fuck off is flexing your balls.


New Member
i agree with puppet on this one.
if its one thing ive learned while playin/posting here
argueing with an admin gets you no where.
you can have your pity partys all you want
while you masterbate and cry while you do it
in your corner late at night with your night light off

Puppet dont pull no punches and aparently you seem
to think that its a new ideal that he will coddle you
and make you feel all warm an fuzzy inside
while you try and ass rape him on the forums

alot of what i see you typing is anger and agression
that is not nessesary... THATS WHY WE PLAY
we let our agression out INGAME
not take it to the forums start name calling
bitching whineing and complaining
your only making it worse on yourself

end of rant SHUT THE FUCK UP !!!!


New Member
mr. puppet is really god. see...think of the name "puppet". it's a perfect disguise for a master of the universe(greyskull playset available for only $24.95!!) to keep his unknowing subjects in the dark as to his dark mastery of puppetering.

in short...you can play with anyone like a cat on a leash so long as you don't allow them to assume your level of status. naming or calling yourself "puppet" would lead others to believe that this puppet person is not powerful. when in fact he IS very much so!!!

mr. puppet for Supreme Being in 08!!!