micheal jackson



New Member
I thought a day or two of coverage was fine, then spotty coverage after that. But holy shit...everyday for almost the entire news segment. Jesus christ.

Jordan B

Active Member
Michael Jackson will always be around. His Music has influenced generations of people.

To many people, he was, and always will be, a Pop Icon .


Active Member
Really ? I didn't hear that . . . .

Any other info ?

well i got some info from the local news in Mexico city:

Se sortearon 17,500 entradas para asistir al que ser?a un homenaje y un funeral para el cantante, al que asistir?an los familiares pero no los restos mortales, porque seg?n confirm? la familia, el 'rey del pop' iba a ser enterrado en el Forest Lawn, un cementerio en las colinas de Hollywood donde reposan otras muchas celebridades.

Pero la sorpresa vino cuando una comitiva apareci? en el estadio, presidida por un f?retro dorado, flanqueado por la familia, en el que se supone estaba el cuerpo sin vida del cantante. El ata?d se coloc? a los pies del escenario, cerrado, y all? permaneci? durante la ceremonia de homenaje que tuvo lugar anoche.

Pero, ?a d?nde fue despu?s el f?retro? S?lo la familia lo sabe.

Ahora, se piensa de nuevo en el rancho de Neverland, y se especula con que Michael Jackson podr?a haber sido incinerado en secreto y llevado all? para que sus cenizas sean esparcidas por la propiedad.

En una entrevista con el canal NBC, Jermaine Jackson, hermano del cantante, dijo que Neverland ser?a el lugar ideal para ello. "Este es su hogar, ?l cre? esto. ?Por qu? no iba a estar aqu??", dijo Jackson. "Siento su presencia. Y me encanta eso, quiero que mi madre regrese aqu? y sienta lo que yo siento", concluy?.


"There were sold almost 17,500 tickes for what people said was going to be the singer's funeral, everyone could assist, the family was going to be there but not Jackson's body, at this point, the family said he was going to be buried in Forest Lawn, Hollywood.

The surprise came up when in the stadium, a commitee makes its appear followed by a golden coffin guided by Jackson's family, in wich the singer's body was supposed to be laid, the coffin was put on the stage the whole night.

Only the family knows where Jackson's body is.

Now, it is said about Neverland Ranch, and the rumor says Jackson's body could have been secretly incinerated, and his ashes were spread along the area.

During an interview on the NBC channel with Jermain Jackson, singer's brother; Jermaine said: "This is his home, he created all of this, Why wouldn't he rest here? I fell his prescense here, and i want my mother to feel the same when she come here", concluded."

So lets see if Jackson's family say something else...


New Member
Sure, it's sad that he died, but Jesus Christ, he was just a guy. What are we going to do, change the name of our planet to Jacksonia and adjust our society to live in accordance with his life?
Great entertainer? Yeah, I'll give him that.
Thriller? I'm a hard rock/metal guy, but it was a great album. I think I was in junior high when it came out and the video for the title track WAS just about the coolest video ever.
But that's where it ends. He was an entertainer. Not the frickin' Messiah.

It's fine to get emotional watching the memorial, etc. I avoided it, but you couldn't avoid clips on the news. If seeing a little girl cry over her dead father doesn't choke you up, you're not human and should be removed from the gene pool. I have a young son myself & the whole ordeal made me think about what he'd be dealing with if I suddenly died.

But he wasn't my friend or relative. I don't know anyone who knew him. (I don't even know anyone who might have been molested by him).

Yeah, it's sad, but I don't think it requires a worldwide year/month/week/day of mourning.