


New Member
LMS, if the speed limit is 35 do you go EXACTLY 35? If there's a stop sign and there's no one around, do you roll through or stop for the full 5 seconds and then go? You take every negative aspect of the drug and that's all you see, you're so ignorant and closed minded it's ridiculous. Do you drink? If you do, are you an abuser? Alcohol abusers are MUCH more dangerous than marijuana abusers (neither is good, but it's true). If the government tells you to kill yourself, will you do it just because they said so? I certainly hope not. I do not condone abusing marijuana, alcohol, or any other drugs because it leads to problems, and I won't repeat my self anymore about why I think cannabis should be legalized. Think for yourself for once and stop bring up, "Well, the government says."


New Member
I'm against pot, just because I want a job. Lots of places are doing hair tests these days that go back 120 days. Also, I dislike it because I like to go and do things with my friends. Most of my friends however, spend all thier money on pot, then complain how broke they are and how bored they are.....so what do you do to break the bordem?.... Smoke some more pot so the bordem isn't as harsh anymore. I'm not trying to be any better than anyone else...I smoked plenty all the way through college....I just quit 62 days ago.
PROPOSED WORDING: California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2006

(Covers the relegalization of cannabis for all industrial, medicinal, nutritional uses, and personal use by adults 21 years and older.)

California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2006


I. Add Section 11357.5 to the Health and Safety Code of California, any laws or policies to the contrary notwithstanding:

1. No person, 21 years or older, shall be prosecuted, be denied any right or privilege nor be subject to any criminal or civil penalties for the possession, cultivation, transportation, distribution, or consumption of cannabis hemp / hemp, including:

(a) Cannabis hemp.

(b) Hemp industrial products.

(c) Hemp medicinal preparations.

(d) Hemp nutritional products.

(e) Hemp intoxicating products.

2. Definition of terms:

(a) The term cannabis hemp means the plant hemp, cannabis, marihuana, marijuana, cannabis sativa L., cannabis americana, cannabis chinensis, cannabis indica, cannabis ruderalis, cannabis sativa, or any variety of cannabis, including any derivative, extract, flower, leaf, particle, preparation, resin, root, salt, seed, stalk, stem, or any product thereof.

(b) The term hemp industrial products means all products made from cannabis hemp that are not designed or intended for human consumption, including, but not limited to: clothing, housing, paper, fiber, fuel, lubricants, plastics, paint, seed for cultivation, animal feed, veterinary medicine, oil, or any other product that is not designed for internal human consumption; as well as hemp plants used for crop rotation, erosion control, pest control, weed control, or any other horticultural or environmental purposes.

(c) The term hemp medicinal preparations means all products made from cannabis hemp that are designed, intended, or used for human consumption for the treatment of any human disease or condition, for pain relief, or for any healing purpose, including, but not limited to: the treatment or relief of arthritis, asthma, cramps, epilepsy, glaucoma, immunodeficiencies, migraine, multiple sclerosis, nausea, PMS, side effects of cancer chemotherapy, sickle cell anemia, spasticity, spinal injury, stress, Tourett syndrome, wasting syndrome from AIDS or anorexia; use as an antibiotic, antibacterial, anti-viral, or anti-emetic; as a healing agent, or as an adjunct to any medical or herbal treatment.

(d) The term hemp nutritional products means cannabis hemp for human consumption as food, including but not limited to: seed, seed protein, seed oil, essential fatty acids, seed cake, dietary fiber, or any preparation or extract thereof.

(e) The term hemp intoxicating products means cannabis hemp intended for personal use, other than hemp industrial products, hemp medicinal preparations, or hemp nutritional products.

(f) The term personal use means the internal consumption of cannabis hemp by persons 21 years of age or older for any relaxational, spiritual, religious, recreational, or other purposes other than sale, that does not conflict with any statutory law not effected by this initiative.

3. Industrial hemp farmers, manufacturers, and distributors shall not be subject to any special zoning requirement, licensing fee, or tax that is excessive, discriminatory, or prohibitive.

4. Hemp medicinal preparations are hereby restored to the list of available medicines in California. Licensed physicians shall not be penalized for, nor restricted from, prescribing cannabis hemp for medical purposes to any patient, regardless of age. No tax shall be applied to prescribed hemp medicinal preparations. Medical research shall be encouraged.

5. Personal use of hemp intoxicating products.

(a) No permit, license, or tax shall be required for the non-commercial cultivation, transportation, distribution, or consumption of cannabis hemp.

(b) Testing for inactive and/or inert residual cannabis metabolites shall not be required for employment or insurance, nor be considered in determining employment.

6. Commerce in cannabis hemp intoxicating products shall be limited to adults, 21 years and older, and shall be regulated in a manner analogous to California’s wine industry model. For the purpose of distinguishing personal from commercial production, up to 48 ounces of dried, cured cannabis hemp flowers produced per adult, 21 years or older, per year shall be considered as being for personal use.

7. The manufacture, marketing, distribution, or sales between adults of equipment or accessories designed to assist in the planting, cultivation, harvesting, curing, processing, packaging, storage, analysis, consumption, or transportation of cannabis hemp plants, industrial hemp products, hemp medicinal preparations, hemp nutritional products, hemp intoxicating products, or any cannabis hemp product shall not be prohibited.

8. No California law enforcement personnel or funds shall be used to assist or aid and abet in the enforcement of Federal cannabis hemp / marijuana laws involving acts which are hereby no longer illegal in the state of California.

II. Repeal, delete, and expunge any and all existing statutory laws that conflict with the provisions of this initiative.

1. Enactment of this initiative shall include: immediate release from prison, jail, parole, and probation, and clearing, expungement, and deletion of all criminal records for all persons currently charged with, or convicted of any cannabis hemp/marijuana offenses included in this initiative which are hereby no longer illegal.

2. Within 60 days of the passage of this act, the Attorney General shall develop and distribute a one-page application, providing for the destruction of all cannabis hemp/marijuana criminal records in California for any such offense covered by this act. Such forms shall be distributed to district and city attorneys and made available at all police departments in the state to persons hereby affected. Upon filing such form with the Attorney General and a payment of a fee of $10.00, all pertinent records anywhere in the state of California listed in the form and covered by this act shall be destroyed. Such persons may truthfully state that they have never been convicted of any cannabis hemp/marijuana related offense which is hereby no longer illegal.

III. The legislature is authorized upon thorough investigation, to enact legislation using reasonable standards to:

1. License concessionary establishments to distribute hemp intoxicating products in a manner analogous to California’s wine industry model. Sufficient community outlets shall be licensed to provide reasonable commercial access to persons of legal age, so as to discourage and prevent the misuse of and illicit traffic in such products. Any license requirement or fee shall not be excessive, discriminatory, nor prohibitive.

2. Place an excise tax on commercial production of hemp intoxicating products, analogous to California’s wine industry model, so long as no excise tax or combination of excise taxes shall exceed $10.00 per ounce.

3. Determine an accptable and uniform standard of impairment based on performance testing, to restrict persons impaired by hemp intoxicating products from operating a motor vehicle or heavy machinery, or otherwise engaging in conduct that may affect public safety.

4. Regulate the personal use of hemp intoxicating products in enclosed and/or restricted public places.

IV. Pursuant to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, the people of California hereby repudiate and challenge Federal cannabis hemp / marijuana prohibitions that conflict with this act.

V. Severability: If any provision of this act, or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid by any court, the remainder of this act, to the extent it can be given effect, or the application of such provisions to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby, and to this end the provisions of this act are severable.

VI. Construction: If any rival or conflicting initiative regualting any matter addressed by this act receives the higher affirmative vote, then all non-conflicting parts shall become operative.

VII. Purpose of Act: This act is an exercise of the police powers of the state for the protection of the safety, welfare, health, and peace of the people and the environment of the state, to protect the industrial and medicinal uses of cannabis hemp, to eliminate the unlicensed and unlawful cultivation, selling, and dispensing of cannabis hemp; and to encourage temperance in the consumption of hemp intoxicating products. It is hereby declared that the subject matter of this act involve, in the highest degree, the ecological, economic, social, and moral well-being and safety of the State and of all its people. All provisions of this act shall be liberally construed for the accomplishment of these purposes: to respect human rights, to promote tolerance, and to end cannabis hemp prohibition.


it happening, please take the time to read the emperor in my sig. you will probably change your views on several points.


New Member
Dirty said:
Well... All the people that get stoned and crash their cars and beat their wives make me think it should stay illegal! .

sorry this is extremely late seeing this thread ...but dirty thats one thing smokers wouldnt do when they are high that would take too much energy...lol

well the thing about chronic there are other things you can use it for...did you kno that when u weave marijuana into a rope its actually stronger then nylon ropes...and you can make it paper as well to write on and it has more consistency!!! gov't gots to get there money tho...and im sure they have there hand in our chronic ...well now that i think about it what dont they have there hand in of ours


New Member
1. over the last 25,000 years of marijuana use, not ONE death has been attributed to marijuana usage. ever.

2. alcohol claims MORE lives every year than crack, powdered cocaine, AND herion COMBINED!

3. marijuana is NOT a gateway drug. more ppl try illegal drugs AFTER having tried alcohol and cigarettes for the first time.

4. marijuana can not make someone physically dependant on it. some ppl get addicted to video games, tv, sex, driving etc...doesn't mean they're bad for you.

5. christians vs. pot.... do you really think that God/ess would have put receptors in our minds and the chemical that the receptors recieve if he/she/it hadn't intended for us to use it? it was a mistake maybe? i seriously doubt it.

6. marijuana=crime.... only because it's illegal. what happens if you make something illegal and there is still a high demand for it? the law makers that enact the law making a substance illegal CREATE a black market! who gets involved in black markets? everyone from the mafia to pope.... there is an old Tao-ist saying that goes something like this

If you do not wish to have things stolen from you, if you must gather them about yourself do not assign them value.
1. over the last 25,000 years of marijuana use, not ONE death has been attributed to marijuana usage. ever.
2. alcohol claims MORE lives every year than crack, powdered cocaine, AND herion COMBINED!

Point 1 and 2 refrence:


Tobacco 435,000
Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,000
Alcohol 85,000
Microbial Agents 75,000
Toxic Agents 55,000
Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,347
Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs 32,000
Suicide 30,622
Incidents Involving Firearms 29,000
Homicide 20,308
Sexual Behaviors 20,000
All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect 17,000
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin 7,600
Marijuana 0

3. marijuana is NOT a gateway drug. more ppl try illegal drugs AFTER having tried alcohol and cigarettes for the first time.

Point 3 reference:

In March 1999, the Institute of Medicine issued a report on various aspects of marijuana, including the so-called Gateway Theory (the theory that using marijuana leads people to use harder drugs like cocaine and heroin). The IOM stated, "There is no conclusive evidence that the drug effects of marijuana are causally linked to the subsequent abuse of other illicit drugs."


4. marijuana can not make someone physically dependant on it. some ppl get addicted to video games, tv, sex, driving etc...doesn't mean they're bad for you.

Point 4 reference .gif


5. christians vs. pot.... do you really think that God/ess would have put receptors in our minds and the chemical that the receptors recieve if he/she/it hadn't intended for us to use it? it was a mistake maybe? i seriously doubt it.

Point 5 reference:


point 6 he made speaks for itself.

LMS, you are the only one that needs an education. In my understanding many of your coments are baised in ignorance and missinformation. I don't think less of you because your against it, I think less of you because you are ignorant on a subject you put so much venom into being against.

oh yeah, 1 more thing:


New Member
LastManStanding said:
The guy above me is an idiot. Stop smoking weed or get some education. Both would be very good for you.

only when ppl have absolutely no argument with which to build a rebuttle do they need to start calling the ppl they disagree with names.


New Member
LMS you really dont get it lol...whether or not he was an idiot was not ur place to say it...he is a lot closer to punx then u are...kinda makes you look like the idiot :/


New Member
I am straight up diggin' Daddy's graph, that is taking the time to prove a point or point of view. So far all LMS has shown is a close-minded nature and spewing off badly conceived stereotypes. And by the way, my dad has recevied speeding tickets before, hence breaking the law, and I still look up to him, because he is a fantastic, intelligent man. I am all for an opposite point of view, but you better bring some evidence and stats to back your point up.