This Cheney Thing

Intro said:
moneyShot said:
People get kicked out for blowjobs, what about mixing drinking and firearms?

Clinton didn't shoot Monica in the face.

It landed on her dress.

Either way, both were MONEY$HOT$!


The Clinton thing had nothing to do with getting a blowjob...He only got in trouble because he lied about it.
Cheney never told anyone he didn't do it,he just didn't go straight to the media.
I'll be one of the last people you could find defending anyone in this administration but this is a non issue,just let it go people.


New Member
DeathCorpse said:
its called networking you should try it some day it can save your ass. And I am not defending him in any way. Im sure he fucked up big time. But just becasue that may be the case doesnt mean it actually was, and no one knows that except the parties involved. And from what Chenny told everyone(which could be a lie) but again who knows, he had a glass of wine with his lunch 3 hours prior to the incident. you cant go by what you think happened but by what you can prove happened. Also, unless you can boast about being in a similar situation as the one hes going through shut the fuck up becasue you have no idea what his thought processes are in a situation like that. fight or flight kicks in as well as tons of adrenaline (hence you will probably not be thinking to rationally compared to calm individuals). but I think they did the right thing get the dude to the hospital tell local news and give a statement to the police. yea he took 12 to 24 hours to complete those tasks(which could be considered suspicious), but again he may not have been thinking rationally so it may have taken him a while to realize what he needed to do. If you were truely being understanding then you could attempt to put yourself in his shoes (empathy). But instead you go only by what you have seen on the news and im guessing that involved lots of cnn. heres a tip dont just watch cnn, watch fox as well you will get both sides of the fence instead of one extreme left view. By the way did you watch the interview that Fox did with Chenny???? probably not

bottom line is look at both sides of the fence dont just fucking screem conspiracy just because you turned on CNN and saw their view on something. News is not just news nowdays, there are either Democratic news organizations like CNN, or there are more conservative Rebublic an ones like Fox. And they have there own spin on world events. Use your fucking brains dont jsut say hey the news told me this so it must be so......
formulate your own fucking opinion.

The hannitizatoin runs stong in this one...


New Member
is that the best you can come up with money. how does anything i have said relate to that? also have you even considered that it could be possible that Chenny's friend was a dumb ass and walked into Chenny's projectory path just as he shot? probably not. If that were the case then Chenny took a lot of heartache to cover up the fact that his friend was a dumb ass. I'm not saying that was the case but it could be. This was even talked about a little by some new sources, but Chenny just said that he shot the gun and it was his fault. which is true, but his friend could also have been a dumb ass. the whole point here is that you dont know what the fuck really happened no one does, but the people that were there. Get your facts straight before you run your mouth is all I'm saying.


New Member
i think there are some peep posting here that are brain washed....
im not slamming nobody for nothing
but i think there is some brain washing going on here
agree to disagree...
but if u damn keep writing the long ass post
ima have to shove something like a lightbulb in your ass called "GOOGLE NEWS"
it really bothers me that DC is taking it this far.
much respect for your opinion and all but damnit shit
dont push your propoganda on me
that will make me turn into a monstar
and make u look silly...
dont make me make u look silly
mr fox pusher
all media is bias this is a well known fact
they all have their angels and to say one is better than another is total bullshit
have an indipendante thot and i will consider reading your fucking long ass essays for schoo



New Member
no shit thats why I said get your information from multiple sources. not just one. I flip from fox to cnn to get all angles. Although I am partial to Fox because they throw humor in from time to time. If you will read I only asked that people have all the facts. which no one does, anything could have happened out there. there are hundreds if not thousands of hunting accidents that happen each year and you dont hear about those do you. The only other one that I can think of is when that Korean Navy SEAL went ape shit and killed like 10 people. And I dont think all of the facts were ever revealed about that. So dont go saying im brain washing anyone I am very open minded.


New Member
I am beginning to think the "death" family is out to get me, you and deathgrip are almost always the people killing me lately, I personally find it Don't sweat it, I don't get mad when good players get me, it's when a shitty one gets me and then tries to talk shit afterwards.


New Member
DeathCorpse said:
is that the best you can come up with money.

auctually no. that was what I call lobbing a snowball.

its called networking you should try it some day it can save your ass. And I am not defending him in any way. Im sure he fucked up big time. But just becasue that may be the case doesnt mean it actually was, and no one knows that except the parties involved. And from what Chenny told everyone(which could be a lie) but again who knows, he had a glass of wine with his lunch 3 hours prior to the incident. you cant go by what you think happened but by what you can prove happened. Also, unless you can boast about being in a similar situation as the one hes going through shut the fuck up becasue you have no idea what his thought processes are in a situation like that. fight or flight kicks in as well as tons of adrenaline (hence you will probably not be thinking to rationally compared to calm individuals). but I think they did the right thing get the dude to the hospital tell local news and give a statement to the police. yea he took 12 to 24 hours to complete those tasks(which could be considered suspicious), but again he may not have been thinking rationally so it may have taken him a while to realize what he needed to do. If you were truely being understanding then you could attempt to put yourself in his shoes (empathy). But instead you go only by what you have seen on the news and im guessing that involved lots of cnn. heres a tip dont just watch cnn, watch fox as well you will get both sides of the fence instead of one extreme left view. By the way did you watch the interview that Fox did with Chenny???? probably not

bottom line is look at both sides of the fence dont just fucking screem conspiracy just because you turned on CNN and saw their view on something. News is not just news nowdays, there are either Democratic news organizations like CNN, or there are more conservative Rebublic an ones like Fox. And they have there own spin on world events. Use your fucking brains dont jsut say hey the news told me this so it must be so......
formulate your own fucking opinion.

I will say it again, that is not networking and it is treating cheney in a way that he should not be due to his position. I know the police are supposed to invesigate ANY gunshot victim, and the scene. Deputies were stopped from doing that.

We all here really do not need to "be in his shoes" or "fight or flight" or any of that other bullshit. I have been a member of the NRA for 20 years and the first things taught are about hunter saftey. Cheney knew what he was doing with all of this. He stayed hidden until everyone sobered up and the stories were straight. There was no BAC test on harry whitingdon, which I also find strange.

Everyones statements "they werent drinking during the hunt" holds about as much water as "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" in my book. Again my intelligence is insulted by the answers coming out of these people. They all made sure to say that.

I am saying again these people were treated like privelaged people and that is absolutely wrong. I am debating whether it was the drinking or my angle is that he is also fucking the swiss ambassador and a whole bunch of shit about his private life is going to come out in the wash.

Believe it or not people I listen to more hannity, rush, and savage than anything else. How they have portrayed this is with the same guilt overtones we got from the rest of the people.

Cheney doing an eclusive interview on fox proves nothing and in my opinion was rehearsed.

The Perv

New Member
i agree with everything moneyshot is talking about....

and one more thing, fox/cnn/nbc/abc are all government media outlets. Fox being the biggest one of all


New Member
This is long....

does taking hunting classes stop the other hundreds to thousands of hunting accidents each year or does this only relate to Chenny?

true there was no BAC on either of them. Which can lead one to believe they were drunk. They did say they had wine with lunch 3 hours prior. they said one glass I believe, whether thats true or not no one knows.

is Chenny ultimately responsible, yes and he said so. Could harry whitingdon have been away from the party and walked into a gun shot, sure. many speculative things go through my mind here some involving being drunk and others just neglect from one or the other. So whos really at fault Chenny, Whitingdon, or both we will probably never know.

I liked your theory of fucking the amabssador but I dont think Chenny has that much pull....

There was probably no one at the scene. Chenny had his medical staff with him, they responded within a few minutes of it happening and probably rushed him straight to the hospital. Should Chenny hav eleft the scene before the police arrived, probalby not, but he could have been concerned aobut his friend or yes he could have been concerned about himself or both.

Be honest here. whether you had pull or not even more so if you had pull and you were in a situation like this or any fucked up situation wouldnt you try to cover your ass as best as possible??? I know I would. I would try to stay within the confines of the law here but in my book Im numero uno and everything else comes second. Yes Chenny has moral and public responsibilites to be ethical etc, but he might have been scared shitless or even been advised by people with him to follow those courses of action. (again we will probably never know). And Chenny probably did try covering his ass if indeed he thought he needed to. I would think alcohol would be the main reason here. ( no facts just speculation).

interview yes he picked that reporter because he felt comfortable being interviewed by him from past experiences etc. Could that have been a mistake maybe. But then again he did the interview with a reporter that is affiliated with a Repulican media source. So Who does he want to apeal to more repulicans or democrats? My guess is Republicans since Democrats will and did use this to their advantage. So I think he did this to put a more personal spin on it that showed his side of it in a more positive light while apealing to the people that matter most to him and his party. Is this right? If the above were the case probably not, but again its his decision to choose whoever he wants to do the interview, if he wanted to do one in the first place. Yes it could of been and probably was reheared and the whole thing written by someone else who was given facts by chenny and then decied along with other what should be included and what not to be included. Again His goal here might have been to apeal to Republicans so in that sence he probably chose the right action even though it could border on unethical behavior.

the bottom line is you dont know and I dont know what really happened. All we have are minimal facts which lead us to speculate that certain events may have occured. Like I said before for all we know harry whitingdon is the dumbass that walked through some trees looking like a deer and got his face blasted off.

So given the premise that no one has any complete or conclusive facts I think its safe to say that any opinion could be right and that no opinion is in fact correct until further evidence is gathered. Which might never happen given his political power i.e. connections which helps him alot if indeed he fucked up, but would be morally wrong and possibly criminally wrong depending on what events actually occured. But again we dont know.

The whole reason I got irritated about this is because you stated your opinions and thats what they are "OPINIONS" as if they are fact. I personally hate being accused of things that I didnt do (not saying thats the case here but given the lack of evidence it could be an atempt by the democrats to gain some points and probably not without some merit thats what the parties are there for to keep eachother in check) Maybe thats why I am so defensive in this. I hate 3 things most in life: liers, thieves, and being falsy accused. Just ask Deathgrip about the guy that almost shit his pants on the ship for #1 lying and #2 saying I didnt do something when I did. It took 5 people to keep me from murdering that fuck. That shit still pisses me off to this day and it happened over 3 years ago. So being involved in many a situations like that you learn to view things fairly objectively before forming a conclusive opinion. And I think I held true to that here. I tried to think of all possible scenarios and you thought of a few that I didnt, but I kept an open mind to the possibility that he MAY not have done anything wrong where you have not. and I think that is short sited of you and others given that there is no conclusive evidence to suggest otherwise. Yes you are free to give you opion but that doesnt make it right ethically or otherwise.

summary: Yes I personnaly think its very likely they covered up drinking to a degree, (but again theres no proof except what they said). If so, That being the main reason for the media delay and police report etc. other than that no one knows. Or it could be because of the multitude of other theories listed all throughout this thread.

Have a happy day,
