what is the best dream(s) you have had?



New Member
Oh my, im being spammed by insanley tense dreams. The world had turned into zombies at one point and i stabbed them and stuff with a knife, as i was in a large shop with my dad who said "there are no more knives left" and so we ran out and that portion finished. Suddenly i was stuck in a new dream and i could hear the pounding of drums, me and somebody i believe was a friend of mine ran into a cave in this harsh sunny land and as we walked through a knee-high stream in this cave i could literally feel bones crumple beneath my feet. I found a dry path and continued. we suddenly came to a turn went right, and it looked like this shape ^ . i realised i had forgotten my knife i got earlier and went to retrieve it, but a large troll was entering the cave so we had to run and we came out at an exit and i saw this large bell ringing atop a ridge and behind it thousands of monsters were running down the ridge. thats where i cant remember the rest of that one. The final dream was very strange and i have no idea how i got it. I imagined Ben(trs) met Werewulf and they said hi. Although i have no clue what Ben looks like, i knew it was supposed to be him. Maybe it because of all the crap between them meeting each other on battle.net before i went to bed, i dunno.

At metal guard, i cant believe it either, in the last 3 nights my dreams have begun to be amazing, breathtaking and i can still remember them. Im posting them here for two reasons, so i never forget them and so you people may see them.


New Member
lol shut up!!! >.< i didnt mean to dream of you, maybe it was some clarevoyance and i know you two will meet. Ben will get very angry once he sees this post so i must run.


New Member
lol shut up!!! >.< i didnt mean to dream of you, maybe it was some clarevoyance and i know you two will meet. Ben will get very angry once he sees this post so i must run.

um.. i wasnt making fun of u.. i was seriously thanking you... o_O


New Member
A somewhat old thread now, but it is a good thread to discuss things in as well, just like True Identity and "Want to Rant."

Back at PG-forum, there were some people, including myself, who tried to find a way to explain what a dream could mean, since according to an amount of people, it usually has an additional meaning to it. I gave up to search for it when I wasn't able to dream anymore. Anything that had to do with dreaming was something I tried to avoid, since I couldn't experience it on my own. That time is gone now, and I can dream again... somehow.

I also learned the way how I can dream, and how I can't dream. Every night that I dream, and remember my dream, I wake up exhausted. I don't have enough night-rest that way. Though I can take a few all-nighters, but to do them daily is not really my way of living.
When I am worried about something, or pressured, I can't dream. Stress keeps me from dreaming, and that is probably the reason why I haven't dreamt for so long. I live on stress, you see. It only happens a few times in a year that I am not worried or pressured about something. Usually, during the Summer Vacation there are some times when I am stress free. Fact: I sleep bad during the summer vacation.

Especially during the start of the school year, I tend to have trouble sleeping, because there is nothing to worry about and too many things to think about. When I lay in bed, I think the most, which keeps me from sleeping as well. Or I have to bore myself to sleep, which works as well, but not as good. That could have been the reason why I have a radio turned on next to me when I go to sleep. The evening DJ, Barry, has a very comfortable voice and he talks enough that I easily fall asleep. The night DJ, Rick, talks non-stop and plays only a few songs an hour, which is perfect for me who sleeps better with the sound of talking.
Besides all that, I usually am worried about something throughout the year. Might that be school grades, family business, friends or relationships, they all are something that play a role. It rarely happens that there is nothing.
The best part of it all is the end of the year. When I have been pressured for more than nine months and you can feel all the weight drop of your shoulders is a giant relief and one of my most favorite feelings of all times. I always look forward to it, though I know it will only take a short time. Like I said, I live on stress. Unfortunately, when it becomes too much, which rarely happens, I break down and it will take quite a long time until you get me back together. This happened twice before, which one involved my mother going to the hospital for the first time in a very critical condition with little chance to make it. That was on New Year's day a few years ago.

Me being able to dream has to do with stress, that is now clear to me. That I am sick at the moment with the flu, is no secret to anyone. But right before I got sick, I finished all school business of what I could finish. I managed to have nothing to worry about anymore, except finding a job, which can wait until I get better. I didn't really thought about it that would also enable my ability to dream again... and dreaming I did. But just like most of my dreams, it made very little sense.
Here it is:

The day before the strangest part happened, I remember going to school. Or at least, I probably went to school, though I have my doubts about it. I wasn't by train but on my (old and forgotten :p) bike. I mentioned more than often to people I know "If I'd go to school by bike, it'll take me hours." I usually got the answer of: "Why? It only takes an hour or so," which I always answered with: "Not for me. It's likely I'll get lost." Which I always used as a joke, but its true. I got no clue how to get there by bike. Not to mention that I was not riding to school with it, but to the house of a friend I haven't visited in more than a year now. He has a nice place to stall your bike, so it'll probably came good to mind. Right before I locked my bike, I saw the girl I like walking right outside of where I placed my bike. She said something like: "Starting today?" and I nodded as an answer, with a facial expression of "Noooo! I wanna go home!" or anything similar. I saw a laugh appearing on her face and she clearly asked: "Wanna come with me? Just skip some classes." It took a few seconds to think of what classes I am supposed to have today, which came to the conclusion that I had nothing special. I could easily skip all of them without missing a single thing of it. If I did miss anything, I'd ask some classmates to update me. So, without any further hesitation, I left my bike and went with her. Or at least, I think I left my bike. If we walked, we might have ran because walking wasn't that fast. If I rode my bike, I wondered what she did, since she was walking, that's something I recall.
I'm not sure where we went, but I remember a mall or something. I also heard calling a name, which made me ring some bells in my mind. Something about a niece of her, or something. I must have mixed up some things when I dreamt that, since I recall something similar happening in real life with different people.
Together with me, the three of us talked about something I cannot recall. Whatever we talked about, it took a while until we said goodbye. I'm still not sure who she was, or where she came from, but she was out of sight in no time.
I also remember going to some kind of house where she had the key of. I first thought it was where she lived, but I could easily be mistaking since we didn't stay there long. We dropped our bags off, that's all I know and continued to... well, wherever we were going. Where we might have been going, I never arrived. We talked about some random stuff, not really necessary to note here.

The next thing I remember is vaguely waking up in bed. On the other side of the curtain it was still dark and my clock said something like 7:00 AM, or anything like that. Like my usual waking-up-ritual (except turning off my alarm) I increase the volume on my radio, in the hope to hear the DJ I admire so much. Which was quickly granted, since he was talking with his side-kicks. I didn't understand much of what he said, but I was awake alright.
I also remember vaguely that there were a lot of events lately. I planned throughout my entire vacation, but most of them I had to cancel because I got sick. Last saturday I've spent the whole day with a friend and sunday with another. I planned monday to go with a few friends and classmates to the Dutch city, Zwolle, to welcome the Olympic players. I cancelled that because I didn't feel up to it, and I started to feel sick. Tuesday and wensday were planned to visit some friends of mine who I haven't seen for some time now. Unfortunately, I cancelled it because I was sick with the flu, and still am. I had no plans on thursday or tomorrow, on friday. Friday is usually a day I keep free. I have nothing concrete on saturday and sunday either. Vaguely I remember somewhere between last week saturday and yesterday (wednesday) there was a party. Now get this straight, I am not the type that visits parties quickly, especially when no friends are around.

One of my waking-up rituals is checking my telephone. To see if I got any calls, or a SMS. I looked at the left bottom of my telephone screen and saw that I got three SMSes. Remarkable, since I don't know many people who would want to send me a SMS. The people who would, I told those that they shouldn't bother. My first thought went to a girl in the upper North, but it would have been useless for her to send me three.
I checked the first one and read: (Translated, but I remember it perfectly of what I read)
Hey, what's-your-name-again, aren't you at the party? There are lots of people here. Mostly people who's boyfriend lives too far away to come. If you don't know who to come with, just say you're here for me, just like the others did. See you. <name of a girl>
Yeah, come on <my name>, you should come as well. We're all here. <name of a friend>, <name of a classmate>, <another name of a classmate>, <another name of a friend>.

I scratched the back of my head after reading it. A certain movement I make when I don't really get something. The girl who've sent the SMS is someone I have tried to impress since the start of the year, but with no particular results. I gave up a few weeks ago because I learned of her long-termed relationship with her boyfriend. Bad choice from me, I guess. But the thing what surprised me the most is her sending me a SMS. I can't recall she knows my phone numer, though that could easily be told by one of my friends who clearly was around to tell it. Another thing that surprised me was her not knowing my name, while a friend mentions my real name later in the message. Though it is a fact that she never mentioned my name before, there are more people who try to avoid using names, which include myself. Yet another thing that surprised me is a friend using my real name. I don't know anyone who calls me with my real name. Everyone, except family and a selective amount of girls, call me 'Ed' or 'Eddy', nothing else. The other thing that surprised me (probably the most of them all) is the girl saying: "They're all with me", or something similar. For some reason, I know she was referring to my friends and classmates, which I find very strange. She knows one of those people, because she has been a classmate of him. Besides that, she does know the other two, but I don't even think she knows their names. Why would she take them along then? The last thing that might have surprised me, but didn't is that party itself. I remembered only vaguely a party was scheldued, and I hardly ever forget one. Not to mention that I know that she was there, so there is no possible way I'd forget such a thing. But I have no note of a party, nor can I remember an exact date.
While thinking about it everything became quite blurry and I woke up.

It took me a few hours until I realized that the dreamt I experienced was a dream and not something that actually happened. The only thing that made me realize that is because my telephone was lying on the same place where I left it the earlier night.
I suddenly have an urge to talk to everyone who I've seen, met, read or heard in that dream because something inside of me is not feeling comfortable. I really have the feeling that there has been a party I could have attended to and that I really got that SMS. When I look at my phone, the last SMS I've gotten was from someone else, and the two before those were from my favorite radio channel, meaning that I had nothing new. The last call I've had or made was from and to my brother, so that was nothing of similarity either. Yet I still have the feeling something happened.
I really have the feeling that there was a party and I wasn't there.


New Member
I couldn't dream for some time now, but here it is back.

I don't remember all of it, but still it was very fun. :)
Its like im playing a Starwars-like game, i took a spaceship of some sort from the hangar, and suddenly... I was the pilot. I flew to the planet that the battle was on. Cant remember much from the time between. I returned to the hangar(the hangar was on the mothership in space). And again like im playing a game: choosing the ship you want to fly on. And i took something like a walker machine(take a Defiler from WH40K as a base), that had the Terran barracks from Starcraft as the body, 6 legs and a gun in the central of it. Somehow i came back with that machine on the battlefield. The gun was really strong, but there was a hidden feature of the machine: 2 arms that could slide out from the sides of the machine and be used as weapons. I smitten alot of enemies with those(i cant remember who i was fighting against). And to describe the planet itself: It was a bit like Tatooine from Star Wars, except there were much more cliffs on it. And there the dream ends.

Another, quite a dream that i had some weeks ago. And it was so cool that i remember it like it was yesterday.
Terrain: fields like the ones around Minas Tirith in LotR. It all was alot like LotR. I was uhh... something like a goblin leader mixed with Uruk-hai. o_O I had green skin, no armor on the chest, white hair, and a nasty looking two handed axe.(looked like Kings Bar from DotA except it was all blood-red :p) I was leading an army like that of Mordor on LotR, against the humans. The armies regrouped on the field. Then i put out a warcry and all my army rushed with me to battle(and the warcry was something i will never forget about the dream). The armies clashed, i was throwing around 4-5 men a time with my axe. And suddenly, i see oncoming ent-like creatures. I climbed on one of em and hacked other ent-likes from it. Here the dream ends. One of the most awesome dreams i had.


New Member
I was on a lake of blood, in a row boat, i was just lying down in the row boat laughing with bloody clothes on.... and on the sides of the lake there were impaled bodies and bloody weapons... Strangely enough i enjoyed the dream :s
nothing much happened really, that i can remember..


New Member
As I mentioned before, I do not dream often. As a matter of fact, I didn't dream at all for a long time, but I can once again.
Anyway, even though the question is: "What is the best dream(s) you have had", I'd like to change it a bit, just for the fun of it.

A friend of mine told me (this morning) that she dreamt she was "sunbathing", or something like it. I'm sure more people can relate to a somewhat similar event. She was woken up by her alarm-clock and as she told me: "She felt like she was laying in snow." As a result, she just woke up... and quite cold. Nothing too special though, but it is a funny subject to talk about when both of the people aren't awake for that long just yet. :p


New Member
Forgot to tell you guys my scarey dream that i have alot,
see im in this mall with no railings on the second floor, and its like 75 feet from the 1st floor, and I'm walking kinda close to the edge, then some one bumps me and i go flyin off the top for this long hard drop then right as i hit the bottem I wake up sweatty and breathing fast and i think my body like jumps it self in my sleep because every time before i wake up i like am in mid-air of my bed.


New Member
I'm afraid of heights. :p

Though I can recall some other dreams of mine that are somewhat more scarier than falling down from somewhere high. ^^


New Member
I'm afraid of heights. :p

you know... some times im afraid of hieghts sometimes im not... o_O
and i have also had higher fall offs in dreams, such as, like 6 months ago i had walked to the top of the willamette falls, and it was like 1 and ahalf walk... and i stumbled once and i was afraid iwas gonna fall off the cliff : (
then i had a dream that i actually fell...
and i climbed to the very top of the wilamette falls btw :s
and incase you don't know how high the willamette is....
This goes way the *beep* up into the sky... @.@