Why Battlefield Heroes is so ADDICTIVE ?


New Member
Hello Fellows!

I was wondering why Battlefield Heroes is so addictive, so I came up with the idea to create a topic discussing our opinions.

Try to be specific and define your thought in few words.

Im gonna start:

Battlefield Heroes is so addictive, because its free and we have a great community in continous growth.

Thanks for Mupo Staff ^^ Its a pleasure to chat with soldiers xD Lets FIGHT!

IGN (BFH): ViTALiTY27 / Royal / Commando


New Member
Out of all of the online shooters that are free, it's the best.

Developed by a big name in gaming, Battlefield.

Basically, I can explain why its so addictive in one ALL CAPS bolded word, BATTLEFIELD


New Member
As others have already it´s definately the rpg elements on the one hand. On the other hand it´s probably its style, meaning the comic-graphics, the funny sounds and so forth ;)


New Member
When I played, i kept playing because I wanted to be the "best". Lvling and see what I got to the next lvl. Really a fun game.