Why Battlefield Heroes is so ADDICTIVE ?



New Member
lol It's all good. Mine LOVES the game! No kids yet... but I would love for them to play BFH! it's an awesome game!

I'm just getting time in now while she sleeps... Ah women, a video game's worst enemy...


New Member
My wife is not a huge fan of the game. She rolls her eyes at me when I play, but i play when she is watching shows that I don't like of when she goes to bed early. Game on!


New Member
I like it because it's simple and fun. TF2 is the online shooter I normally play, but BF:H is nice to take a break with. Let's just hope they add voip at some point since right now it's pretty hard to organize a team...


New Member
voip would be a catastophy. then they should add a mute button.. hate all the 10 year olds scraming and singing and all that they r doin :S


New Member
Its addictive cause its fun. Knifing is really good too, and seeing ppl flying after a troop trap boom is always good :D


New Member
cut's to the chase but has elements from the established series of battlefield. anyone can hop right into this game, and after all the bugs are hammered out a lot of people will probably be playing long term. we can only hope!