Wow, wtf


New Member
Is it just me, or has there been a massive infusion of cocky and disrespectful mofos in here. On one hand, it is entertaining to see a couple douchebags pseudo-insult someone, on the other hand it is introducing a massive amount of negativity to the server and forums.

The reason I love Punx in the first place and kept coming back was because it was a lighthearted, free spirited, and a fun as hell server to play on. The reason I came to the forums was because Punx felt like a great community, a lot of quality guys both online, and also in life. Now all of a sudden it feels like a bad soap opera. I hope things start to move back towards more good times, less bullshit!
Yours truly,
Mean has a point.
Over the last three months that i have played on the server (especially in the forums) the level of negativity has incresed, at all times i try to keep a humorous note in all my posts to counter act it all, but WTF MATES. Like mean says lets cut the bullshit and play some good old fashoned CZ Kappen of suckas (KOS 187 8)) gameplay!




New Member
Redlight, stfu noone loves you..... :-D Nah, their both right, some people can't take a joke nomore...I got people defending me and shit when I knew redlight was joking with me, much appreciated by a clan member and shit...but some people need to learn to read between the lines....

ps: it says, I fucking hate you all. :twisted:
Bimond said:
Redlight, stfu noone loves you..... :-D Nah, their both right, some people can't take a joke nomore...I got people defending me and shit when I knew redlight was joking with me, much appreciated by a clan member and shit...but some people need to learn to read between the lines....

ps: it says, I fucking hate you all. :twisted:

nuff said


New Member
I am addressing the issue now. It may require a couple baseline rules on the forums. In my opinion it begins by the PuNx clan showing a good example. From us we expect others to act with more maturity. Trash talk is one thing but blantant disrespect, trolling, and being an asshole won't be tolerated anymore. It's creating an unfriendly and unfun environment and I won't tolerate this any more.


New Member

Its cause winter is coming, we get cold n bitter. Not to mention fuckin xmas shit is out and thanksgiving isnt here yet, something just bugs me about that. Oh, not to mention we got people saying "dont buy chicken or turkey, it possibly has bird flu".

I hate people. Dumb, Slow, Blind, Panicky, and Gullible
But a person is great, like dilla :wink:



New Member


New Member
I just think it's sad that when you have someone's back they turn around and punch you in the face. The massive amount of disrespect is a result of people thinking they are better than they really are whether it be in game, in life, or both.

Yeah last night, I think I threw up in my mouth a little when I was on PuNx. The sooner the shit stops smelling the better, and outside of one incident you can't pin it on my guys so stop trying.


New Member
Machiavelli said:
I just think it's sad that when you have someone's back they turn around and punch you in the face. The massive amount of disrespect is a result of people thinking they are better than they really are whether it be in game, in life, or both.

Yeah last night, I think I threw up in my mouth a little when I was on PuNx. The sooner the shit stops smelling the better, and outside of one incident you can't pin it on my guys so stop trying.

wow and i didn't even think about that till you brought it up