Harrowinter RPG


New Member
hehe, its 9:33 pm in california :scream:
and yeah, its really simple, you just click that little paperclip above..where all the tools are, and attack your file, then it will show up as a thumbnail in your post (see the first post in this thread)


New Member
"and attack your file," ? Attack it? Lol, don't you mean attach it... Anyway I'll get around to it later on tonight and there'll be a sample here... it might be a little rushed considering how much I've got to do :( (in real life,) so uhmm I'll try and have it done for you to see tommorow when you get on.


New Member
What kind of files do you attack? I prefer to attack viruses... but you know, sometimes I like to attack other stuff....


New Member
been attacking a lot of old games i dont play and images i dont need anymore lately..:scream:

Edit: oh and i've also been wondering, what kind of respawning/creeps system should i use? cuz the current one i have really sucks and is boring...
any ideas?


New Member
im skilled in mostly every Area, but now im not that good at making models , or skins i can only fix them, it's a talent i got, but im good terrainer and Triggerer, and all that other stuff


New Member
Spawn a level creep at a random point a map? Kill a level creep when it reaches a specific point in the map?

As for my off-topicness, it wasn't really intended to be that way.


New Member
hehe naa..i started the off topic-ness :whatthe: with the picture of the "attacked" file and all..

random creeps? well..i was talkin about more of the way they respawn, wander..etc.

right now the creeps just stay in one spot and when you kill them they respawn where they died...:(

rebel can you maybe post a screenie of your terraining skills? cuz i still need help with it :rolleyes:

Edit:A few screenies of the terraining i did today, looks a little better in game but it shows how sucky i am at terraining.


New Member
Very Angled, lots of hills... Hmm I still haven't gotten around to that terrain, I'm not going to get it done until Monday Arvo' sorry. I've been really busy, barely enough time to post this. :( Just posting an update on what I've done for you?