Harrowinter RPG


New Member
hehe, the maps gonna be pretty large in its finished form, so i was thinking of making graveyards with spirit healers just like wow, but instead of running from the yard to your corpse, you run from your corpse to a yard..:nuts:
hows that sound?

Edit:ive been working on the map today, and ive updated quite a few things. I'll have a newer version up pretty soon..with the following updates:
-Critical strike system added(screenshot attached)
-Completely different backpack system
-New spells
-Graveyards with spirit healers that you go to to revive(currently 3 gy's)
-Crawdads have drops now
-New NPC in Millerton

try it out people! tell me what i should add/change...it cant hurt you to play it.


New Member
for custom spells you should make one (for winter mage) that is a universal spell made with triggers called blizzard... something like

Unit starts casting blizzard(dummy spell)
Select all units in playable map area and set life to 90%
Select all units in playable map area and slow movement speed by 20%
Wait 340 seconds (or whatever you want)
turn off this trigger

then you could follow that with a trigger for people with immunities
Unit obtains item (snow shoes or whatever)
Spell Blizzard (dummy spell) has been cast
set movement speed of unit manipulating item to 100%

... yeah that would be cool because people rarely use universal spells


New Member
First of all thank you, i need more feedback for my map and im not getting a lot =[

im thinking..thats a good idea, but not entirely sure at this point whether or not it would work, i do like the idea and all, universal spells, but not sure how well it would work..i was planning on keeping a section of the map open for dungeons..soo the weather effect and everything would have to stay out of those, but other than that i cant see anything (as of right now) that would eff up this spell, I'm thinking that should probably be a text spell too, since it's just a more unique spell...so it will be like:

The entire map area (outside of dungeons) is effected by a huge snowstorm, all effected unit's movespeed is reduced by X% and all effected units maximum HP is X% lower. The Winter Mage is not effected by this spell
(consumes a [Blizzard Stone])

consumes a blizzard stone meaning it requires a blizzard stone item(or something else) to cast it...

Edit: Added a (shitty) story for each of the heros on the first post. Keep an eye on the first post, I'll be updating it often.


New Member
i have pleanty more spell ideas, and due to battle.net not liking my uber skillz at d2 (i was doing key runs to repetetively and rapidly so they thought i was using a new bot and disabled my key and closed my account which so sucked cuz i had an extreme paladin) i am willing to help you with your project since most of the time i get bored with my own. i dont want to take any artistic parts like animation or modelling because i really dont have the necessary tools, but i can do gfx, triggers, spell crafting and testing so heres my next spell idea for you keep in mind i know not of the story and of the layout

since the beast master is friend of beasts, i figuered you would move anyone who selected beastmaster as there hero to neutral passive
that being said...

Call of beasts
Event call of beasts (dummy spell) is casted
Action select all neutral hostile units within (distance from hero) of hero and set integer 1-30
pick all units with integer 1 and attack move to (distance from hero within close vacinity)

i know that isnt quite what the trigger would look like but im basing that off memory basically what it would do is pick 1 neutral hostile beast for every 30 neutral hostile beasts (that can be changed if your map isnt flooded with monsters) and send them to the hero, which would be a great stratigic ability to use in a siege type of sitiuation, or in a battle to try to controll the fight a little better

ps on the first spell i proposed there should be a special effect based off of northrend snow heavy


New Member
ps on the first spell i proposed there should be a special effect based off of northrend snow heavy
you mean the blizzard ability? yeah i know you meant with a weather effect, but i would use blizzard, not heavy snow. :nuts:

ok about the beasts thing, its an idea..but meh..doesnt really fit my map, cuz the way the units are set up..buuuut...i do like the idea of the beastmaster being allied with all the beasts on the map..since ive already placed bears and such, ill set them to a seperate team and when you pick BM they will become your allies, as for the ability itself, its an idea, that im willing to work with.

maybe an alternative-
The master's influence(?name?):
Target beast becomes the "pet" of the beastmaster, following him everywhere he goes and helping him in his battles. The level of the target beast must not exceed your level-X.


New Member
na, i will have to use triggers for it, ill make it so that..it can only be cast on units from the beast team, it can only be cast on units X levels lower than you, you can only have one pet at a time, and you dont control it, it follows you on its own. :nuts:


New Member
you should make a aura for some hero with activate and deactivate buttons and make it so it uses a aura as a dummy spell and finds the average percentage of life amoungst targets under auras controll and sets there life to that, so that its either all at once or none at all, which could be good in some cases and bad in others which is why u have deactivate :)
heres another ability based off critical strike with 100% chance and made to target allies and heal them with normal damage (note that all damage amplification must be taken off of dummy spell)

Sword of Mercy
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Sword of Mercy
Unit - Set life of (Target unit of ability being cast) to (-1.00 x (Damage taken))


New Member
huh? critical strike is bad spell to base anything on, because it doesnt have much flexibility, it can only be a critical strike, if you make it 0.00 dmg, it will say 0! in red when you get a crit..which is just stupid >.> and i dont really understand your spell..tommorow im gonna work on my map more, and will add in the beastmaster ability and try out the blizzard one..:eek:k:


New Member
the spell is based off critical strike to get a "on hit" type of spell (activates automatically) and the trigger reverses the damage givin (which will be normal damage for the hero) to the target which would only work on allies, it will say the damage of your normal attack in red but that would also be the ammount of health the target is being healed
and in the spells normal properties it says percent bonus damage not product of damage it could also be based off cleave if you wanted to heal a target area instead of just one person


New Member
first of all, i think basing it off crit would be very messy/unproffesional, and i dont know about spells healing allies through attacks..o_O just not a spectacular idea imo. and anyway, as of right now the game is mostly solo, just walking around on your own..but i was planning on throwin in some mercs, that you can hire..but they act like party members with some AI..which ill probably need help on when i get around to it, but ill wait till later to do that. any other ideas for items/spells/NPC's/quests would be appreciated, so that i have more to do when i work on my map tommorow.


New Member
I am hoping to have the terrain done by tommorow also, I really don't like making icey area so as for the test I plan on making like inside a volcano or something,