spray paint artist... Just watch till the end. WOW


New Member
SuXoR said:
moneyshot has one of those

i think he got it in italy

cool tho

Yeah exact same technique:

Thinking back this is now 10 years old. I watched the guy paint with a crowd gathered for about a week. He made that in about 20 minutes, I paid the equivellant of 80 bucks for it.

I wonder if this is taught somewhere.

crappy pic


New Member
EMA said:
i see your reflection...lol

ha yeah. now you guys have me searching around the net seeing if I can find the artist that did that. Since I stood there watching him make it, I can confirm everything that guy does with the paint cans, peeling the paper etc is the way this painting was made. Here is his signature, kind of hard to read.


New Member
You should post those shots (especially the signature) up on the message boards on spacepaintings.com - they'd probably be able to identify it for you.
