Super Mario Galaxy - WiiPros Official Thread

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Jesusdragon737 said:
Ryano said:
Squiddy said:

It's funny how some people race to get 120 Stars, then they'll probably moan on how they could've taken their time with it, and why it couldn't be longer.

It's phenomenal. 5 Stars in and I'm amazed. It looks great in 480p, it's full of imagination, and it's made me feel like 4 years old again, when I first booted up Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES.

Ryano. I'm Sin_and_Punishment on ONM. Keey it hush. ;)

You sly little fecker:p

Why'd you get banned in the first place anyway?

oh and Lu1g1 I made a code for spoilers for a reason:001_rolleyes:.

[quote=SPOILER][color=#ffffff]*INSERT TEXT HERE*[/color][/quote]

Which would go like this


Just highlight the quote there...

You wouldn't notice that nearly as much. I don't really like it. The gigantic text works a lot better. I'd probably just end up reading that thinking it was just a quote from somebody else, and end up spoiling the game for myself. I like the way lu1g1 did it.

How the hell are you gonna read it thinking its a quote from another person when you have to highlight it first:001_rolleyes:


New Member
Ryano said:
Jesusdragon737 said:
Ryano said:
Squiddy said:

It's funny how some people race to get 120 Stars, then they'll probably moan on how they could've taken their time with it, and why it couldn't be longer.

It's phenomenal. 5 Stars in and I'm amazed. It looks great in 480p, it's full of imagination, and it's made me feel like 4 years old again, when I first booted up Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES.

Ryano. I'm Sin_and_Punishment on ONM. Keey it hush. ;)

You sly little fecker:p

Why'd you get banned in the first place anyway?

oh and Lu1g1 I made a code for spoilers for a reason:001_rolleyes:.

[quote=SPOILER][color=#ffffff]*INSERT TEXT HERE*[/color][/quote]

Which would go like this


Just highlight the quote there...

You wouldn't notice that nearly as much. I don't really like it. The gigantic text works a lot better. I'd probably just end up reading that thinking it was just a quote from somebody else, and end up spoiling the game for myself. I like the way lu1g1 did it.

How the hell are you gonna read it thinking its a quote from another person when you have to highlight it first:001_rolleyes:
does it really matter guys???
ok ryano ill use your code if it makes you happy :p
and cloudzero it took me around 8-9 hours total
now i have like 75 stars


New Member
Ryano said:
Jesusdragon737 said:
Ryano said:
Squiddy said:

It's funny how some people race to get 120 Stars, then they'll probably moan on how they could've taken their time with it, and why it couldn't be longer.

It's phenomenal. 5 Stars in and I'm amazed. It looks great in 480p, it's full of imagination, and it's made me feel like 4 years old again, when I first booted up Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES.

Ryano. I'm Sin_and_Punishment on ONM. Keey it hush. ;)

You sly little fecker:p

Why'd you get banned in the first place anyway?

oh and Lu1g1 I made a code for spoilers for a reason:001_rolleyes:.

[quote=SPOILER][color=#ffffff]*INSERT TEXT HERE*[/color][/quote]

Which would go like this


Just highlight the quote there...

You wouldn't notice that nearly as much. I don't really like it. The gigantic text works a lot better. I'd probably just end up reading that thinking it was just a quote from somebody else, and end up spoiling the game for myself. I like the way lu1g1 did it.

How the hell are you gonna read it thinking its a quote from another person when you have to highlight it first:001_rolleyes:

oh. lol. I didn't see that when you highlight it, the text appears. Now i feel stupid. :p


New Member
lu1g1 said:
Ryano said:
Jesusdragon737 said:
Ryano said:
Squiddy said:

It's funny how some people race to get 120 Stars, then they'll probably moan on how they could've taken their time with it, and why it couldn't be longer.

It's phenomenal. 5 Stars in and I'm amazed. It looks great in 480p, it's full of imagination, and it's made me feel like 4 years old again, when I first booted up Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES.

Ryano. I'm Sin_and_Punishment on ONM. Keey it hush. ;)

You sly little fecker:p

Why'd you get banned in the first place anyway?

oh and Lu1g1 I made a code for spoilers for a reason:001_rolleyes:.

[quote=SPOILER][color=#ffffff]*INSERT TEXT HERE*[/color][/quote]

Which would go like this


Just highlight the quote there...

You wouldn't notice that nearly as much. I don't really like it. The gigantic text works a lot better. I'd probably just end up reading that thinking it was just a quote from somebody else, and end up spoiling the game for myself. I like the way lu1g1 did it.

How the hell are you gonna read it thinking its a quote from another person when you have to highlight it first:001_rolleyes:
does it really matter guys???
ok ryano ill use your code if it makes you happy :p
and cloudzero it took me around 8-9 hours total
now i have like 75 stars

No it really doesn't matter XD


New Member
lu1g1 said:
does it really matter guys???
ok ryano ill use your code if it makes you happy :p
and cloudzero it took me around 8-9 hours total
now i have like 75 stars

only 8-9 hours... i excepted it be longer... well it probably is longer if you try to obtain every star...


New Member
yer i thought it woulda been longer than that, well i suppose those 8-9 hours were very fun hours so its probably worth it :p


New Member
It may have only taken you 8-9 hours but you havn't actually fully completed the fact your only half way there...


New Member
Ryano said:
It may have only taken you 8-9 hours but you havn't actually fully completed the fact your only half way there...

whats the other half?... im guessing getting all the stars... that may only add about 1-3 hours of gameplay...depending on how you play the game


New Member
i am going to keep on playing this game until i have 120 stars with mario, 120 stars with luigi so i can get the 121st star :) its that good


ryano your thing didnt work :/


New Member
I was looking for it on amazon and it had gone out of stock! i hope its not out of stock everywhere! i want this for christmas!
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