Super Mario Galaxy - WiiPros Official Thread

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New Member
of corse it will, it happens to all games that are thi popular, everyone buys it then a lot of people trade it back in later.


New Member
well many times one player games are like that...after it is completed the user sees no reason to keep the game....but their is no way im selling galaxy back lol


New Member
Gamestop is a rip off to trade in games.... anyway.... I saw X-Play review and says it was pretty good... 5 out of 5.... pretty rare....

Okay... MP3 or SMG? Someone tell me....


New Member
I haven't even played Metroid... It just looks good on the Wii Channel preview.... anyway... X-Play DID give it 5 out of 5 stars.... I guess I'll get it on Saturday... thanks guys!


New Member
Ive had this a week now, it's really good! (Not played it much though :( )

Edit -- 2 WEEK! How fast does time go?


New Member
It is easy... (yes.. I got it)... but it's the simplicity and the combination of the world exploration (though it doesn't last long as the planets or galaxies are tiny) makes it fun.... Seeing Mario in the next-gen world is worth to me getting this game....
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