Super Mario Galaxy - WiiPros Official Thread

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lu1g1 said:
their were loads of them at gamestop.....dont order it online...go to any store and they will have it.....

yeah specially gamestop.... they hype the game up so high... they have like a whole wall of them when ever i go there


New Member
Wow.... I never expected them to have walls of the game... I would have thought it would have sold out.... I bet Brawl isn't gonna be like that....;

Anyway... SHOULD I get this game?

I'm stuck between Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (I almost put "4"..... lol) and Super Mario Galaxy.... which is longer?


New Member
shadowofchaos said:
Wow.... I never expected them to have walls of the game... I would have thought it would have sold out.... I bet Brawl isn't gonna be like that....;

Anyway... SHOULD I get this game?

I'm stuck between Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (I almost put "4"..... lol) and Super Mario Galaxy.... which is longer?

I definitely say Galaxy. MP3 wasn't "praised" nearly as much as Galaxy. Galaxy is said to be one of (or the) best game ever. For example, MP3 got an 8.5, while Galaxy got a 9.5.


New Member
the reason galaxy had so many leftover from the launch... is that they ship almost 3times as much as other hit titles.... nintendo always delivers with their 1st party hits

kevin 09

New Member
yeah dats true...mario galaxy is good but i still dont noe y there was leftovers of the game...but it was a great hit...i regret buying madden08 instead of galaxy


New Member
lu1g1 said:
well i have been playing this game now for awile and it has gotten really hard.....still alot of fun but really tough

You must be kidding me, I'm on 118 stars and it still isn't hard...

*goes to finish game*


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Ryano said:
lu1g1 said:
well i have been playing this game now for awile and it has gotten really hard.....still alot of fun but really tough

You must be kidding me, I'm on 118 stars and it still isn't hard...

*goes to finish game*

what ive seen it looks quite hard?
maybe i have to experience it 1st!


New Member
My friend says that this will eventually end up like Super Mario Sunshine in about a year.. and prices will drop like it did when there was loads of copies being traded in at Gamestop...

Say your response to my friend's opinion... don't get wrong about him... he IS a Mario fan... just a cheap one....
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