Super Mario Galaxy - WiiPros Official Thread

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New Member
Ryano said:
WEll there are barely any videos yet so there's not much yet to spoil the game for you.

Besides, there's not much to be spoilt about, it IS a platformer after all, not an RPG.

gohma king

New Member
this is probably gona like revolutionise mario games taking place out of the mushroom kingdom soon they're gona be having mario games in other awsome places.


New Member
Ryano said:
Squiddy said:
Rasande Bävern said:
16 november :)

Just 4 DAYS after America! :D

Yet Brawl will take a month+ and Super Paper Mario nearly took a year....why is that?

Because we got lucky - the NOE release scheduler was in a good mood, got drunk and accidentally put Galaxy down for 16 November. He realised his mistake, and since hee couldn't do anything about it, he delayed Brawl, BWii and Super Paper Mario just because Nintendo hates Europe. ¥_¥™©®


New Member
Squiddy said:
Ryano said:
Squiddy said:
Rasande Bävern said:
16 november :)

Just 4 DAYS after America! :D

Yet Brawl will take a month+ and Super Paper Mario nearly took a year....why is that?

Because we got lucky - the NOE release scheduler was in a good mood, got drunk and accidentally put Galaxy down for 16 November. He realised his mistake, and since hee couldn't do anything about it, he delayed Brawl, BWii and Super Paper Mario just because Nintendo hates Europe. ¥_¥™©®

nice story.....damn NOE


New Member
Squiddy said:
Ryano said:
Squiddy said:
Rasande Bävern said:
16 november :)

Just 4 DAYS after America! :D

Yet Brawl will take a month+ and Super Paper Mario nearly took a year....why is that?

Because we got lucky - the NOE release scheduler was in a good mood, got drunk and accidentally put Galaxy down for 16 November. He realised his mistake, and since hee couldn't do anything about it, he delayed Brawl, BWii and Super Paper Mario just because Nintendo hates Europe. ¥_¥™©®

wow intresting story there...
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