Super Mario Galaxy - WiiPros Official Thread

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this game is going to be so great that there is just no words to explain how amazingly well it will be. it will probably be one of the best mario games ever.


New Member
metroidprime3rules said:
yoshi said:
this game is going to be so great that there is just no words to explain how amazingly well it will be. it will probably be one of the best mario games ever.

i am a little skeptical about it. Outer Space cmon o_O

yeah but mario is the man he has just about done everything so outer space may be a good thing.... but we all know that so far each mario game as been good so i cant see them letting us down now.. not after all the years... and from the videos and pics i seen of it, it does look good


New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
Amazing new videos of galaxy!! CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS

Totaly amazing!!! CANT WAIT!! only about one month left!!

I'm so excited now:D:D:D
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