Super Mario Galaxy - WiiPros Official Thread

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New Member
satsoc28 said:
Apakarta said:
it should realese world wide on the same day

i agree.. they shud just always have worldwide release date 4 evry game!!!! then no1 gets left in the dark!!!

Well it would be great but between changing languages and changing the game to PAL it will unfortunately never happen...


New Member
Ryano said:
satsoc28 said:
Apakarta said:
it should realese world wide on the same day

i agree.. they shud just always have worldwide release date 4 evry game!!!! then no1 gets left in the dark!!!

Well it would be great but between changing languages and changing the game to PAL it will unfortunately never happen...

Well... MGS4 is getting a simultaneous worldwide release.... and that's pretty speech and text heavy, so Nintendo should follow this example. ;)


New Member
Squiddy said:
Ryano said:
satsoc28 said:
Apakarta said:
it should realese world wide on the same day

i agree.. they shud just always have worldwide release date 4 evry game!!!! then no1 gets left in the dark!!!

Well it would be great but between changing languages and changing the game to PAL it will unfortunately never happen...

Well... MGS4 is getting a simultaneous worldwide release.... and that's pretty speech and text heavy, so Nintendo should follow this example. ;)

You couldn't be more MGS4 obsessed at the moment. XD

Anyway yeah I realise that it happens with most of the very big games to have a simultaneous worldwide release, just like Mario Galaxy.


New Member
i hope they don't get put back... cos that's only 4 days after my birthday... as in i'll get it as a late birthday present
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