Tenebrae- Grounded


New Member
Like I said, banning me from my computer is quite useless. But now I think of it, I don't think any kind of punishment will really work on me anymore. The worst kind of punishment you could give me is probably a break up of friends and me, or a direct rejection or something. But I don't believe my parents are able to do any of those things. :p Not to mention that they don't even know half of the people I like to hang out with... even though they did meet one of them yesterday.
Besides those two, I don't think they can really do anything to me. When they'd ground me, I don't think you could count it as much as a punishment. It's just that I happen to be much out lately, but I tend to be home more often than that I am somewhere else. :p That's just... me.

Haha That sounds almost exactly like my situation when getting in trouble :) Except that,now,I seem to be out alot more in my free time than at home :p.


New Member
Both counts a bit for me. Because I finished school, I'm a lot at work. Though I tend to go home and rest then, lately I have been going to some friends to hang out a bit.
Yesterday, I was having someone over that I haven't seen for... for... half a year, or so.
Normally, I would just stay home.

So, what kind of punishment would be fitting then? :p


New Member
lol,i've no idea,although i've found (at least when i was younger) that instead of punishing me too severely for bad things,that my parents would congratdulated me for good things that I do(Punishments always backfired),although it would be patronising now :p.

The worst kinda punishment that could be placed on me would be to be banned from seeing my friends,but,like u said my parents can do little to enforce that one,so it has never happened :) .


New Member
I can't remember too much punishments I've had over time. But I guess that kind of figures, considering my age. But when I was still "punished" for something, it usually worked.

Stopping me from seeing friends, well, you may try to do so, but I am pretty confident in saying that you'll fail. :p


New Member
Wow, I feel so loved, I think i'm gonna cry... :yay:

Anyway, replying to earlier posts, my grades aren't exactly "bad", they're just not acceptable in the eyes of my parents. For example-

Geometry- D
Biology- C
English- C+

Those are the classes my parents are mostly annoyed about. But actually, the REAL reason i'm being grounded is because I ditched geometry a couple of times, because I got some assignments that I couldn't figure out at first, and I needed a little more time. But I only did that like three times this whole year, and I was forced to confess it to my parents yesterday...
I guess I deserve being grounded... :(


New Member
I dunno really,skiving classes isn't something I'd get grounded for (if I explained it was coz i couldn't understand it) lol my big brother used to do it all the time and he never got in trouble :).Still,I suppose,it's kinda down to how strict the parents are.

PS:they aint that bad grades


New Member
I think it's more because I was dishonest with my parents than anything. They'll let some things slip, but when it comes to honesty, they're EXTREMELY strict.

Oh yeah, and also, if I don't get my Geometry grade up to at least a C by the end of the year, I'll have to retake it next year.


New Member
What? I skip classes all the time. :p I don't think my parents know about that either, but even if they did, what would they like to do about it? Say "go to school?" That's not much of a punshment to me.

I'm not too familiar with the American grade system, so I'm a bit stuck there. But it can't be all that bad. :p


New Member
Well, yeah, it's not like i'm banished forever, but like I said, the real reason my parents are angry with me is because I basically lied to them so I wouldn't get in trouble for ditching... ironic how that turned out. :p


New Member
That better be the case. Otherwise you can say: "This guy on the forum, this guy Fladian, he has worse grades than me, but he isn't banned from the computer." :p When I would compare my grades to the way you described it just a moment ago, I had five F's until a little while ago. I only got one left, and that might be the main reason why I won't make it this year.

How did they find out that you skipped classes anyway?


New Member
The school called and said I was missing classes. I tried to use the excuse that my math teacher was just not paying enough attention when taking role, but that got old after the third time. My mom went to the office and talked with them, and then decided to go talk with my math teacher. I knew he would probably get annoyed when he discovered what I had been doing, so I confessed before my mom got the chance to talk with him.


New Member
*points at a teacher of mine*
He leaves the classroom about five minutes after the lesson started and he comes back about two minutes before we can leave. So... :p unfortunately, we never have him as a last a period.

*points at a teacher of my old classmates' class*
She starts class in a normal way, but after that, she leaves and doesn't come back until next period. Most of the time, I hear people from that class saying "a minute after she left, I left too. There is no point in staying."

As for myself? I tend to be there most of the time, though I like to skip the classes from a guy named 'Van der Heyden' who really doesn't care about our class. Mind you than 70% failed the lessons he gave us. Five people graduating is really sad...
A- really good
B- mostly good
C- average
D- in danger of failing
F- Failing

That's pretty much how it goes.


A+ 100 (I think)
A 95 - 99
A- 90 - 94
B+ 87 - 89
B 83 - 86
B- 80 - 82
C+ 77 - 79
C 73 - 76
C- 70 - 72
D+ 67 - 69
D 63 - 66
D- 60 - 62
F Anything below a 59

I think that's how it is...