Tenebrae- Grounded


New Member
Yeah, there's a better example of the American grading system.

I hate teachers that just leave and don't come back 'till the end of class. I had a substitute that did that every friggin time we had her, and when she'd leave, all of the students would just start yelling a freaking out, and making tons of noise, and *continues to critisize his classmates*...
The point being, I don't like sitting in a classroom full of crazy people, especially when there isn't a teacher there to get them back under control.


New Member
Below a 59? Oh, then I was at least with seven classes an F. And still am, for at least four classes. Fortunately, 55 is enough to make it out here.


New Member
In Canada all you need to pass is 50%.
Personally I get ok grades (in my eyes) so I don't have anything to worry about.
And here in Canada school costs money as well.


New Member
As i said once, i was restricted only to games, but for some time it was just like normal. But now when the exams are close at hand, mom told me to revise. And ill do that after i check up the forums.

And my grades are ok as well now.


New Member
Lol,I was just thinking that there re some people on this site that you really can't imagine playing warcraft e.g you,Flad :) .

I've only been from playing two games the first was cutting me of from my WoW addiction because i was excluded from school,and the other game was the GTA series which my mum dosn't want us to buy (although i did borrow them off a friend recently and it was all ok so i don't know if the rule still applies).


New Member
That doesn't say I never played it, Moagrim. A friend recently asked me to play Warcraft with him some time. I promised him to do so, but only on a day when I'm not as tired as I am lately.


New Member
My grades are no where near flunking. Last time I showed my grades to my parents, my lowest grade was a C+ In algebra 2.

I am doing really well in school. I wish some of the better people had the 3 As I got once *Sigh*.

Remember: study hard, Use the web to get even more info on what you are studying if your parents allow it (like mine do...My parents)

And to fladin: HOLY CRAP!! Only 1000 Euro to go to college? Here, it $15,000!! You people are just to lucky!


New Member
@Fladian,I didn't mean it to sound like you've never played it.It's just funny how diverse these forums have gotten away from the actual game (which,I think is a good thing :D )

Also,college and uni are free here,at least the teaching is,but the living costs can be huge :p (at least my mum says so,I still got 3-4 years left to go )


New Member
Ya here it's like at least $20 000 to go to college (or is it university? meh, either one :p)
Not including ANYTHING but courses and such..
After extras, it's like 25 grand :/


New Member
I am doing really well in school. I wish some of the better people had the 3 As I got once *Sigh*.[/b]
The difference of the people who did make the year, and those who don't is gigantic in my class. When the year started, three of them could be guaranteed that they would make it (and they did) because they came from a different level. They wanted to quit as soon as possible, therefore, dropped a few levels. The other two are quite normal. One of them, a girl, well, her grades are quite normal. Nothing really low, nothing exceptional high, but high nonetheless. The other guy who graduated without any problems is a guy who is also on the picture I attached in the True Indentity thread. In your guys' system, he has an A for everything except Dutch and English class. In numbers, he has an average of a 9/10 for all classes. I might want to add to it that his grades dropped a bit in the last few weeks because he was moving (his house was no longer livable) and couldn't attend to classes. He missed a few things, yet he kept scoring all tests higher than me despite me always being there. :p
Great guy nonetheless. I hope I'll never have to see him after this year.

Remember: study hard, Use the web to get even more info on what you are studying if your parents allow it (like mine do...My parents)[/b]
There are people (like me) who can't study well. They can read and/or do research all the time, but it just won't work. I did study lately because of my horrible grades, but I just made many, many, many things to remember me of what I studied.

And to fladin: HOLY CRAP!! Only 1000 Euro to go to college? Here, it $15,000!! You people are just to lucky!
Don't ask me for the right sums. I only pay what I have to pay. It could be 1000 to 10,000, I'm not too sure about that. I remember a few books (in total) costing 1000 though, that made me stumble a bit.

@Fladian,I didn't mean it to sound like you've never played it.It's just funny how diverse these forums have gotten away from the actual game (which,I think is a good thing :D )[/b]
It's a modding site after all. :p Most real modders are not the real types to play the game.

Also,college and uni are free here,at least the teaching is,but the living costs can be huge :p (at least my mum says so,I still got 3-4 years left to go )
Living costs? Dorms?
I'm still living at my parents (da.mn you all!) but I'd like to move out at any time. Anyway, I'm in my last year. If I don't make it this year, I'm going to drown little kids.

School is well known for being expensive, but fortunately, I don't know the real amounts. ^^


New Member
Yeah by Living costs,I meant stuff like Dorms (not to mention the parties and stuff that students spend it on)

Also theres no way that I'ma stick livin with my parents after i leave scholl,I'm gonna leave this town first chance I get :p.If I was gonna go to the university that i want (edinburgh) I would have to travel far too far so stayin with my parents is outta the question.


New Member
Not much of a choice I had, in general. I don't live in dorms, like I said. I still live with my parents, though it isn't really my choice. But just like I'm not your average standard type of guy, I'm not a your average standard type of student either. :p But if you ask me, those two relate a bit to each other. :p

I could say: "I am going to leave home as fast as possible," but that's easier said than done. As long as there is no house free out here, I don't have much of a choice. After all, sleeping in a park is not really my favorite way of living, if you get what I mean.
University, College, school, whatever. The one I am in now, (I've not graduated yet) is only an hour away from where I live with the bus. Fifteen minutes (or so) with the train and about four and a half hour when going with my bike, though that could be longer. And by all means, staying with my parents is the cheapest solution, not to mention that the same counts for most of my friends. Only a handful are living on their own, with an exception with two of them, who are temporarily living in a different nation (France for one of them, England for the other, if I remember correctly).


New Member
Hey gang. I'm back for a little while, but I have some sad news. I'm really not going to be on this site much anymore. I'm not grounded, but my computer access has been restricted to two hours-a-day. However, because of recent events, I've pretty much lost interest in using my computer. I've also lost my motivation for working on my Icewind Dale Campaign. I'll try and finish up that picture i'm doing for GTW, which I'll probably post this weekend, but other than that, i'm not going to be very active. This might not permanent, but for now, I'm really not in the mood.

I won't specify what happened to cause this change. All I will say is that it involves school and friends, and the fact that my social status dropped from 40% to about 15%.