The corrupted wish game!



New Member
well a wish kinda granted but its really a peice of the earth...and its broken off so that you might have it and you wipe out the entire UK :D awww lol
i wish for guji berries *drools*


Active Member
Granted, but then you choke on one, and you never eat them again, even though you still like them. This tortures you:lol:.

I wish computer viruses never existed.


New Member
No one is hired to exterminate them and you dont get the knowledge to kill them so they work in secrecy and wipe out the human race

i wish for something tasty


New Member
killman360 said:
Granted, but you only get the package with nothing inside.

I wish Wii Pros was alot more active.

granted, but the result of wii pros was more active that the server crashes

i wish tolit paper came in a 2 pac


Active Member
Granted, but they are released so fast and so numerous, that all of England goes into a frenzy and panics, and then destroy's the whole continent in a riot.

I wish everything was free:blink:.


New Member
granted but since everything was free you got everything and you had a mental brake down and took a free gun and shot your self.

i wish i could smell everything in the world


Active Member
Ling you do know you have to corrupt his wish right?

You can fly, but every country in the world thinks you are a secret weapon and shoots you down with missiles.

I wish I was in a good mood more often:LOL:.